•Pizza Party•

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PIPER WOKE UP to the sound of metal clanging on the ground. Or, at least, that's what she thought it was. A loud yelp followed the bang and she groaned and covered her head with the pillow. Sunlight filtered in through the window, and the lace curtains didn't exactly help keep out the sun.

  She lifted her head and checked the time. 8:30. Who is up at 8:30?

  Piper sighed. She was awake enough now that she couldn't fall back asleep, and she blamed whoever dropped a pan on the floor.

  She grabbed a gray sweatshirt hanging from a hook in her closet and exited her room, blinking away the sleepiness in her eyes. She patted down her curls, trying to tame her wild hair.

  Piper pulled the big sweatshirt on as she walked down the stairs, mumbling to herself about the noise. Once she entered the kitchen, she had to blink a few times to process the scene.

  About four metal pans laid on the tiled floors, and the person standing next to where the pots were, was a teenage boy.

  The teenage boy had blonde curls and blue eyes, with freckles dotted on the bridge of his nose and cheeks. It took Piper a second, but she realized that it was the boy from the photo in the hallway, and the boy on the front of the Percy Jackson show poster.

  He looked frozen in his spot, like he was caught in the middle of a crime.

"Uh hey?" She said awkwardly, zipping up her sweatshirt fully, feeling self conscious of her appearance.

"Hey." The boy replied, not moving to pick up the pans that he seemed to have knocked over.

  It was only when she looked down at the pans did he rush to clean them up, bending down to set the metal pots back on the counter.

"Did I wake you? Sorry I left something here a few days ago so I came to get it and then for some reason all of the pots were out on the counter and I was turning too quickly to notice and I knocked them over." He rambled on, describing his actions with wild hand gestures and movements.

"How did you knock over four at a time?"

  He shrugged. "The more the merrier."

  She smiled and walked over to him, helping him with the pots. "So you're Walker?" she asked.

  He nodded. "You must be Piper then."

  After a few seconds of them just standing there, her Aunt Becky entered the room. She had a green robe wrapped around her and she smiled when she saw Walker.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" She said, hugging Walker and ruffling his hair.

"Forgot my hat." He said , pointing to the blue baseball cap on the kitchen counter.

  Her aunt nodded and turned to Piper. "Wow! You must be an early bird, we usually don't even get up until 9:30!"

"I usually sleep in too but something," she said, turning to Walker, "woke me up."

  Walker looked sheepish, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "Y'know if you really think about it, it was whoever left all the pans out in the open."

•Behind the Scenes• Walker Scobell x OCWhere stories live. Discover now