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THE SET FOR SEASON TWO WAS BEAUTIFUL. There were a lot of scenes in camp this season, so everyone who had been at the party decided to all visit the next day.

  Piper had never been on a set as pretty as this one. The trees provided nice shade and created patterns on the floor of the forest. The lake sparkled and gleamed in the sun, nearly blinding her for a second. The canoes were set up near the lake, pushed up against a rack to keep them still. When they reached the cabins, Walker ran up to Poseidon's, immediately entering.

  Piper followed him inside the cabin, staring in awe of the detail that the set designers put in. The cabin was dimly lit with lanterns and carvings were set in the wood of the bunk beds. The carvings depicted symbols of water and Poseidon fighting monsters with his trident.

  A little rectangle of water was in the center, and Walker had already put his hand in. He swirled the water around and picked up a fake gold coin at the bottom.

"Someone left a drachma behind." He said, inspecting the circular object.

  She sat down next to him, picking up the object. She had watched the first season of Percy Jackson, and she remembered the currency from the books.

  She flipped the coin a few times in her hand, playing with the piece of plastic.

"Let's play a game." Walker stated, scooting his body towards her.

"What is it?" She asked, scared if it had anything to do with her getting dunked into the basin next to them.

"We ask one question and we say one dare, then you flip the coin. If you get heads you answer the question and if you get tails you do the dare."

  She stared at him for a second. These games would probably not end well. Leah bounded through the doorway with Aryan at her heels, sitting on a bunk bed to the right of Piper.

  Aryan sat in front of Walker and Piper. "Can we join in?"

  Walker nodded excitedly. "Okay I'll ask Aryan first. Are you excited to wear the wedding dress? And my dare is...to jump in the lake and scream shark in front of everybody."

Piper handed the coin into Aryan's outstretched hand and let him blow on the coin and whisper words of encouragement.

"Hurry up Aryan! We don't have all day!" Leah said impatiently, tapping her foot on the wood floors.

  Aryan put his hand up to her face and continued doing whatever the hell he was doing to get good luck.

  He kissed the coin before flipping the object up with his thumb, letting it spin and turn into the air before landing on his palm. He turned it over without looking, before inspecting what he got.

"Heads!" He cried out gratefully, kissing the coin a thousand more times.

"Aryan, stop! The rest of us have to touch that coin too." Leah whined, picking up the coin daintily and wiping it on her shirt.

"Well?" Walker asked, referencing to his question.

  Aryan answered proudly, "I have never been so excited for anything in my entire life."

  Piper felt a smile spread across her face. She was really excited to see her Uncle and Aunt bring Sea of Monsters to life, and especially excited to see Aryan in a wedding dress.

"Oh my God, and we're actually going wedding dress shopping to get good references for the show too!" Aryan said eagerly.

  Piper let out a little gasp. "Can I come? That seems so fun!"

  Aryan nodded excitedly and turned to Leah. "Okay, do you like mayonnaise? And my dare is to tell your parents that you're pregnant."

  Leah let out a sigh and quickly flipped the coin in the air. She caught the coin and groaned in disappointment. "I got tails."

  Piper patted her back in comfort as Leah stuck to her dare and headed over towards where the parents were sitting. Her mom started laughing loudly and her dad seemed horrified.

  Leah walked back to the group with her head down, but her shoulders shaking in laughter. She sat down again and threw the coin to Piper. She caught it and looked expectantly at Leah for her question and dare.

  Leah thought for a minute before lighting up with an idea. "Do you sleep with socks will be my question and my dare is...to blow the conch loud and clear into Walker's ear."

  To be honest, Piper didn't mind doing either of those things. She threw the coin and let it spin a few times before her fingers closed over the plastic object. She got tails.

  Walker looked petrified as she grinned and grabbed the conch that rested in the corner of the room. He squinted his eyes and scrunched his nose as he braced himself for the loud noise. Aryan had his ears plugged, ready for the sound.

  Piper sat back down next to Walker and leaned in, adjusting the shell next to his ear. She took a big breath, filling her lungs with oxygen before blowing into the shell.

  Walker immediately flinched, recoiling back away from the sound. He let out a cry and rubbed his one ear, clutching it tightly.

  The time passed quickly as the group of kids laughed and did stupid things with each other, spending a good hour flipping the little gold drachma and asking questions.

  Piper learned a lot about the cast, and she really enjoyed their company. By the end of the day, she felt as though she had done a workout because her stomach was so sore from laughing.

"Oh God, I feel like I just gained a six-pack from that." Walker said, rubbing his core.

"You wish." Piper said, poking at his bicep.

  He had a hurt look on his face as he turned to her. "My muscles are like pythons, what do you mean?"

Piper raised an eyebrow at his arm. "Those are pythons?"

"Baby pythons." He confided, nodding confidently and flexing.

  Leah snorted and muttered something quietly that Walker or Piper couldn't hear. Aryan must've heard because he laughed at whatever she said.

  It was about five o'clock now, and a nice sunset painted the sky. An orange light filled the forest, and when the sun hit Walker's eyes, the color that already seemed impossibly blue got brighter.

"I've always liked sunsets." He said, blinking as the bright sun brought tears to his eyes.

  Aryan was posing for a photo with Leah, making faces into the sunlight. Leah was rolling her eyes but kept taking photos for him.

  Piper sat silently and enjoyed the sunset with the rest of the group, watching as the colors in the sky changed colors.

  They discussed what clouds looked like and the backstories behind each cloud, some stories more wild than the others.

  Piper had never felt so happy.

•Behind the Scenes• Walker Scobell x OCWhere stories live. Discover now