•Mommys home•

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LIFE FOR PIPER HAD BEEN GOING GREAT. Every morning she would visit the set with Uncle Rick and Aunt Becky, helping set up and hanging out with the cast. Season two was going good so far, and all of the cast members had a lot of stunt scenes coming up so everyone was getting excited.

  Piper sighed as she got out of bed. Lately she had been so happy. The kind of happiness where you forget what day of the week it was. The kind of happy where you end the day with your cheeks hurting because you had been smiling so much.

  She slowly walked down the stairs, taking her time to reach the kitchen. The usual smell of coffee entered her nose and she smiled. Piper had been trying to do anything to help her Aunt and Uncle, whether it was making meals after they had a long day or finding her Uncle's car keys that he always seemed to lose.

  Piper paused. There was another smell in the kitchen. It smelled like fancy perfume. Piper turned the corner and entered the kitchen.

"Surprise!" Her mother exclaimed. Of course, she didn't exactly yell it, but her moms arms were wide open for her, and a small smile was on her face. Her dad stood behind her mom, grinning big at Piper.

"Oh wow!" Piper feigned happiness. "Mom, Dad, what are you doing here?"

  Her mom waved her in for a hug, and Piper hesitantly stepped in. "Well, we were missing you so much and Uncle Rick and Aunt Becky called us and asked us if we were available, so of course we said yes!"

  Is this how parents were supposed to be all of the time?

  Piper tightened her grip on her Mom's shoulders and took in the moment, memorizing every detail so she could remember this forever.
  Piper hesitantly stepped away from the hug, wondering if this was some strange dream. This was too real though. Her mom looked the same as she always did, tight bun, formal suit, but she had a warm look on her face.

    "Your Uncle Rick also mentioned that you made friends with the kids on set? We would love to meet them." Her dad spoke up, patting Piper on the back gently.

  Her uncle (who still hadn't changed out of his robe) smiled. "How about we invite everyone over for another pizza party at the house?"

"That sounds lovely." Her mom commented.

  Piper had been bubbling with excitement all day. At first she wasn't that excited about her parents being here, but they seemed different after not seeing her, and Piper almost felt like every other kid with parents.

  She showered and did her curl routine, styling her hair neatly for dinner. She did some light makeup and changed into a shirt that her Aunt gave her when they went shopping.

  Maybe my mom will go shopping with me.

  When she got downstairs, everyone had already arrived. It seemed that the food had been moved to the picnic tables outside.

"Darling, can you help bring the drinks outside?" Aunt Becky said.

  Piper nodded. "No problem."

  She grabbed the cans of soda and balanced them outside to the tables. Walker hopped up and helped her carry the soda once he saw her.

"Everyone loves the nails." He whispered to her as she sat down next to him and across from her parents.

  Some of the paint had chipped and she was aware that he would have to take the color off tomorrow for filming, but she was happy he enjoyed the color so much.

"Piper, you're gonna have to paint my nails next!" Leah said as she passed the pizza box to Piper.

"Yeah definitely!" Piper grinned.

  Piper went to grab three slices, hesitantly looking up at her mom to see her reaction. Her mom shook her head and mouthed "one".

  Some things don't change I guess.

  Piper sighed and dropped the two pieces back into the box and passed to Walker. He licked his lips dramatically and heaped his usual five slices onto his plate.

  Piper adjusted in her chair and picked up her pizza, gently dipping the food into ranch before lifting it back up to her mouth.

  Walker looked at her with his eyes wide. "What are you doing!?"

"Um, eating."

  Walker shook his head in disappointment but continued eating his plain cheese pizza. They ate in silence for a few moments, letting their legs swing freely just above the grass. Piper felt like she was 6 again, eating pizza on the picnic table on a summer's day.

  This was different though. It wasn't the way the wind blew the trees or the smell of the flowers that was different, it was the people. Unlike her 6 year old self, Piper was surrounded by friends and family who cared about her.

"So Walker, are you friends with Piper?" Her dad asked, interrupting Piper's thoughts.

  Walker chewed faster, trying to finish his bite so he could reply. "Uh yeah, I am."

  Piper's dad nodded awkwardly, taking a bite of his pizza in silence.

"So, what are you guys filming right now? Must be pretty important if you have to leave Piper for the whole summer." Walker piped up.

  Her mother cleared her throat. "Ah, yes it's this film called 'One Eye Open'. We're really excited about it."

Walker nodded. "Cool, cool, cool."

  About thirty minutes passed by, filled with conversations about upcoming scenes that they would be filming soon and movies that they liked best.

"Die Hard is a classic, and I stand by that." Aryan said, banging his hand on the table for enthusiasm.

"No way, Die Hard doesn't even come close to the Grinch!" Leah exclaimed.

"Do you hear yourself right now?!" Aryan shouted back.

"I like The Perks of Being a Wallflower." Walker said, trying to ease the tension between Aryan and Leah. "What about you Piper?"

  Piper smiled, entertained by the scene that was playing out at the table. "Oh probably Flipped."

  After Aryan and Leah were both red faced and yelling about how their movie was better, everyone went around saying their favorite movie.

  Walker groaned, leaning back and patting his stomach. "Wow, I'm full. Hey Piper, you want the rest?"

  He pointed to the pizza slice left on his plate. "It also has some ranch on the corner so I'm not gonna even go near it."

  Piper stared at the pizza. She really wanted that slice. Her parents seemed to have changed so maybe they wouldn't mind her accepting his offer. Besides, it would be a waste to let one perfectly good slice of pizza go in the trash.

  Piper nodded and picked up the last slice, taking a large bite from the corner. Piper could feel her mom trying to make eye contact with her but she ignored that for the moment and ate Walker's slice of pizza. It was pretty much the best slice she'd ever had.

•Behind the Scenes• Walker Scobell x OCWhere stories live. Discover now