ch 13 Car Trouble

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At Titans' Tower, Cyborg was hard at work on his latest project. He cut, drilled, welded, and inserted various parts. Cyborg wiped his head with a rag before climbing into his project. He pressed a button but nothing happened.


Cyborg mumbled as he tried to figure out what he forgot. Suddenly he had it.


Cyborg pulled out a computer disc from his system and inserted it into the project. Cyborg rubbed his hands in anticipation before pushing the button. The engine sputtered before roaring to life.

Later on, Cyborg gathered the Titans, his project hidden under a tarp.

"Drum roll, please!" Cyborg said.

Bendy zoomed off screen and came back with a drum set. Bendy started to play a drumroll.

"Ladies and gentlemen, and whatever Bendy is" Cyborg said.

"Dude, do you want a drumroll or not?" Bendy asked with an annoyed glare.

"Sorry" Cyborg said before Bendy continued the drumroll.

"It is my great pleasure to present, for the first time anywhere, the thing you've all been waiting for my coolest, hottest, baddest creation"

"Just get on with it" Raven said.

"I give you the future of Titans' transportation, the one, the only..."

Cyborg pulled off the tarp revealing a car.


"Dude!" Beastboy said.

"Cool!" Robin said.

"Ooh!" Starfire said.

"It's glorious!" Bendy said.

"Neat!" Penn said.

"Yep, she's my baby" Cyborg said patting the car.

"One hundred thousand horse power plasma turbine engine, all-terrain hover jets, antilock air brakes and an on-board computer that links with my systems, so I can literally feel the road" Cyborg said.



"And of course, leather seats, power windows, and a booming stereo are all standard"

Large speakers popped out of the car and blew the Titans away with loud music.

"Sweet!" Beastboy said.

"Nice" Robin said.

"It sings!" Starfire said.

"WHAT?" Penn said loudly over her ringing ears.

"Can we go now?" Raven asked.

"You bet, Raven. I'll take you anyplace you wanna go" Cyborg said.

"The beach!" Beastboy said.

"The movies" Robin said.

"The swamp moons of Drenthax IV" Starfire said.

Beastboy and Robin fell ober comically.

"He said anyplace" Starfire said with a blush.

"WHAT?" Penn asked loudly holding a hand to her ear.

"We may have to add a hearing doctor to that list" Bendy said shining a light in Penn's ear.

Suddenly Robin's phone rang. Robin pulled out his phone and looked at the message.


Cyborg was already in the car.

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