ch 11 Apprentice pt 1

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The scene opens up with Robin chasing Slade through a rocky canyon. Slade leads Robin to a circle of stone pillars. Robin looks around as Slade appears from behind a pillar.

"Dangerous behavior, Robin. You must be very eager to see me. I'm flattered" Slade said.

"I'm not here to see you. I'm here to stop you" Robin said.

"Hmm, but how can you stop me when you don't know what I'm planning?" Slade asked as they circled each other.

"Like this" Robin said before attacking Slade.

Slade dodged and Robin ended up hitting the stone pillar. Slade threw punches at Robin but he dodged. Robin threw a punch but Slade grabbed his fist and threw him against a stone pillar.

Robin continued to throw attacks at Slade but all he managed to do was strike the stone pillars. Slade kicked Robin away before throwing punches. Robin dodged and threw punches back. Slade blocked the attack and punched Robin, knocking him back.

Robin got up and threw 2 birdarangs at Slade. Slade deflected them and they destroyed 2 of the stone pillars. The pillars fell over in a domino effect, destroying all the pillars. Robin looked for Slade through the dust cloud. Slade appeared behind Robin.

"Excellent, Robin. We appear to be evenly matched and equally ruthless. Not surprising. You and I are so very much alike" Slade said.

"I'm nothing like you" Robin said uppercutting Slade in the face.

Slade grunted as he was knocked back.

"You're a criminal, a psychopath. All you care about is destruction" Robin said grabbing Slade by his collar.

"And all you care about you destroy" Slade said gesturing to the destroyed pillars.

It is revealed that the pillars were in the shape of the other Titans.

"No. Who are you?" Robin demanded ripping off Slade's mask.

Robin looked on in horror as he looked at himself. Slade laughed evilly before Robin woke up with a gasp in his workshop.

Just then Cyborg entered the room.

"It's him. It's Slade" Cyborg said seriously.

The Titans gathered in the main room where Slade was on the monitor.

"Good morning, Teen Titans. I do hope I didn't wake you" Slade said.

Beastboy yawned.

"What are you? An insomniac? Who calls at 5:00 in the morning, ow!" Beastboy said as Raven elebowed him.

"What do you want?" Robin demanded.

"Well, that's precisely what you've been trying to find out, isn't it? And inspite of all your efforts you're still in the dark about my intentions. Disappointing, Robin. I expected a little more from you" Slade said.

"Like I care what you-"

"But since you've been unable to discover my plan, I suppose I'll just have to reveal it myself. I'm sure you're all familiar with the concept of a chronoton detonator" Slade said revealing the detonator.

"No!" Cyborg said.

"Huh!" Starfire gasped.

"Uh-oh" Raven said.

"We're doomed!" Bendy said.

"You know what that thing is?" Penn asked Bendy.

"Not a clue" Bendy said.

"It eradicates all chronotons within a localized area utterly destroying the temporal component of the space-time continuum" Starfire said.

A question mark appeared over Bendy's head.

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