Vol 1: On Zombie Island/ Ch. 2. Moonscar Island and Mysterious Belt?

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No Pov.

======At New Orleans======

It was another day for Mystery Inc. who's having good times, but not all good times. Daphne was still struggling for find footage of live ghosts, while Fred was eating Beigenet and Zachery was reading his book of ghosts. But, Jase Hunter who was watching them while wearing a cloak and his cover hat to resume his task.

Daphne: Hmm, bad guys in masks. Mechanical claws, magnets. Hologram projectors.

Velma: smiles Just like the good old days.

Daphne: Too much like the good old days. I've got a show to do, I need a real live ghost.

Velma: That's an oxymoron, Daph.

Then Jase whispers as he growls.

Jase: growled You don't know shit, every ghosts, ghouls and monsters are real too you.

Fred turns to them while eating his Beignet.

Fred: Don't anyone want a beignet?

Zachery: I'll try some.

Fred gave Zachery some of his Beignet, Daphne held the Louisiana Guide Book while flipping the pages.

Daphne: What I want is a house that's really haunted. I mean there must be one somewhere in Louisiana.

And they heard a woman's voice in front of them.

And they heard a woman's voice in front of them

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Woman: There is. I work in it.

Zachery, Fred, Velma and Daphne saw a women in red dress, black hair while carrying her groceries.

Woman: Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear. I work as a chef at a house on Moonscar Island, a house that really is haunted.

Velma: Jinkies!

Woman: My name is Lena. Lena Duprais.

Fred stood up from his seat as he introduced the gang as he shook her hand.

Fred: polite Fred Jones, this is Velma Dinkley, Daphne Blake and Zachery Rogers.

Lena: Charmed

Zachery stood up from his as well and he stretched his arms and back.

Zachery: I'll go for a walk, you guys. Tell me if you guys are ready.

Velma: Okay.

(A/n: I'm gonna skip the parts, only for Zachery).

Zachery began to walk to the streets as Jase, who saw him walking down the streets, Jase began to follow him quietly. Zachery was looking around the shopping area as he heard the same voices from his childhood.

Mystery Inc's Masked Hero!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें