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Sebastian only slightly regretted accepting Clive's sudden invitation before he'd even known where, exactly, they would actually be going.

Because it turned out the answer to his question was the forest, so that the three of them could go hunting. And considering the fact that Sebastian had never been before, nor had he even shot a rifle at all before, his mind was understandably rather preoccupied for the remainder of the evening as he thought about it, and of tomorrow.

Not only was he inexperienced in the activity itself and the tools required, but Sebastian would also be displaying that inexperience in front of Clive, who he definitely wanted to impress, along with Henry, who he definitely didn't want to lose to—in any capacity.

But then again, hunting and whether or not he actually managed to shoot anything didn't change the fact that Sebastian would at least be spending time with Clive regardless, and may potentially even bond with him. And, if Sebastian did manage to shoot anything, and perhaps impress Clive by doing so, then that would only be an added bonus.

On top of the other one, of course.

Which had been the expression on Henry's face the moment Clive had invited Sebastian to join them, as well.

"...Excellent idea," Henry had remarked with forced cheer as he smiled between Clive and Sebastian, his lips taut and tight. "Seems our trio will remain a trio, then. The three musketeers, as it were."

Clive had returned to his study and to his waiting student not long afterwards, while Henry had also taken his leave, insisting he hadn't wanted to intrude upon Clora's time with her friends, and that he would be back tomorrow.

The rest of them stayed for dinner, however, even despite their unannounced and abrupt arrival, and even despite how it meant Margaret would have to take three extra mouths into account when it came to cooking.

Yet despite their hospitality and how delicious the dinner no doubt was, Sebastian was barely there and barely tasted it as his mind raced the entire time, and upon returning to Feldcroft later that evening, he hadn't wasted any time in asking their neighbours if any of them happened to own a rifle, and if they also wouldn't happen to mind lending it to him for practice.

He may have initially resented the move from Aranshire to Feldcroft when he was a child, due to just how rural and secluded and rustic it was. But Sebastian had suddenly never been more thankful for the move suddenly, and for all of those very things.

Because not only did many of their salt-of-the-earth neighbours hunt for their own food and sustenance, but they also indeed used firearms to do so.

And Sebastian's initial surprise at that revelation dimmed the more he thought about it, too, because he supposed it only made sense.

Barring the Killing Curse, there wasn't exactly a clean and humane way to kill an animal if one was to use magic. Unless, of course, the hunter didn't mind charring and blowing their game to bits with Bombarda, or with any other potentially lethal spell that would no doubt ruin the meat in the process, or torture the animal far more than a few bullets ever would.

That wasn't to say magic was useless when it came to hunting, however, seeing as a witch or wizard could still stun whatever animal they were tracking before shooting it with some sort of immobilizing spell like Stupefy, or cloaking themselves for better stealth.

Though unfortunately for Sebastian, he wouldn't have any sort of magical advantage in that regard come tomorrow. They would be hunting with Henry, after all—a Muggle—and so he'd need to stick strictly to Muggle methods.

Which suited him just fine, in any case. If Henry would only be using a gun, then that's exactly what Sebastian would do, and what he wanted for himself, so that he could compete and contend with him fair and square.

The Raven and the Snake (Sebastian Sallow x Ravenclaw MC)Where stories live. Discover now