The Scriptorium

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Clora pushed the heavy doors to the Great Hall open, her stomach rumbling as she let herself fall heavily onto the seat of her table.

Both her mind and her body were exhausted. She'd successfully finished the second trial at Rookwood Castle, and she'd finally found out why Ranrok and Rookwood were after her: so that she could guide them to the stores of ancient magic they were digging for, since she had the ability to see its traces and lead them to the source.

And then there was the memory she'd obtained from the pensieve upon the trial's completion: a memory of Isidora, demonstrating to the rest of the Keepers that she'd been able to use the ancient magic to take away pain, just as she'd said she was trying to do in the notes Clora had found with Sebastian, back at her home in Feldcroft.

It should have been a happy discovery, but the reactions of the Keepers had said otherwise.

But still, it was a promising lead nonetheless, and one she was excited to tell Sebastian. After all, if Isidora had been able to remove her father's pain, then what of a curse?

For now, however, Clora opted not to think and instead eat. Professor Fig had taken her out of classes during the afternoon to head to the Map Chamber with him and do the trial as quickly as possible, and due to the fact that she hadn't had a chance to get lunch, not to mention all the fighting she did, Clora was now rather ravenous.

She'd missed the beginning of dinner, but there was always so much food it hardly made a difference whether one came near the beginning or the end. It was actually sort of nice eating after the initial dinner rush, considering she didn't have to deal with all the hustle and bustle and elbows, but there were still enough people in the room to offer a nice background ambience of murmurs and conversations as she ate.

But there were two voices that suddenly stood out amongst all the white noise and broke Clora out of her tranquility as she looked up, finding Sebastian and Ominis near the hallway leading out of the Great Hall, their voices low but clearly aggravated.

Clora only blinked at the sight, realizing she'd never seen the two of them seriously argue over anything. The last time they'd had a minor difference in opinion had been because of her, which was more of a misunderstanding than a fight, and Sebastian hadn't even been upset himself.

So now, seeing the two of them both genuinely irritated at the other as they paced and glared made her chew on her lip with worry.

Clora's thoughts raced just as fast as her body, while her anxiety (which was made all the worse with her now-full stomach) forced her to stand and make her way over to them quickly, though upon getting nearer, she suddenly couldn't decide if she'd wanted to involve herself, or simply run away.

She went with the former.

If they noticed her tentative arrival, they made no obvious show of it as Sebastian continued to pace, clearly riled up, while Ominis leaned against the wall, his body language completely closed off and icy as he crossed his arms.

"Anything to do with the Dark Arts should be avoided. It's too risky," he said shortly, and Sebastian exhaled angrily before he'd even finished.

"Anything to do with Salazar Slytherin is worth the risk."

"I can't agree, and I'll not say a word more," Ominis' reply was simple, and even at a time like this, Clora still had to admire how level-headed he was able to keep himself. "I'm sorry."

"I won't give up," Sebastian called in response as the other boy left, his voice low.

And although Clora had been intending to cut their tension with her presence, or perhaps break them up entirely, she'd only ended up standing helplessly to the side as Ominis walked by her, murmuring a polite greeting as he passed, and she looked over to Sebastian hesitantly, trying to gauge his mood.

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