Chapter Sixteen: Don't Overthink It

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Hello, everyone!

Got a new cover because I wanted something more subtle :)



I placed my bag on the empty seat between me and dad, pulling my cap over my head. This morning was rough. I spent two hours roaming around town last night before going back to the house to find the kitchen empty, boxes of cookies neatly placed on the counter. Dad was waiting for me by the small nook underneath the staircase where he'd usually spend a few minutes reading before going to sleep.

"How was your walk?" He asked, placing his bookmark in between the pages and shifting to give me some space to sit down.

"I've cooled down, if that's what you're asking." I sat down beside him and leaned my head against his shoulder, the two of us silent for a few minutes until I spoke up again. "Why is she like this, dad?"

He let out a heavy sigh and I'm hit with a realization that I left him to face the probable anger mom felt. "It's difficult for your mom, but that doesn't mean she cares for you any less." I couldn't help but let out a small scoff, not remembering a time where she really cared for the things I loved.

"She has a funny way of showing it. I reckon she told you she's not coming with us?"

A bitter laugh escaped his lips and I turned to him amused. "Yeah. Just because I love her doesn't mean we don't fight. We got into an argument about it just after you left."

"What's the score?"

"She always wins." Despite the obvious frustration on dad's face, you could still see the sheer admiration and love he's worn for my mom for years. "Why do you think we stayed married for this long?"

On the other side of the row, dad was already falling asleep. It still amazes me that every time we fly on a plane, he manages to fall asleep before we even take off. It's the same for when we land and I'd have to shake him awake or else we'd be the last ones to leave.

Passengers were still trying to find their seats behind me while some patiently waited. The flight to Montréal was only going to take an hour and a half so the decision to fly economy was practical. The team wanted to book first class tickets but I refused, knowing it would only be a waste of money. Syd flew out yesterday with the guys which is why my phone is currently blowing up with them sending pictures of their exploration of the city. She made the group chat since it was easier compared to messaging individually and Atlas didn't waste any time changing the name to Tres Pilotos + Dos Doñas.

Saint: Have a safe flight, kid!

Syd: fly faster

Atlas: we miss u, mademoiselle
Atlas: Levi is more tolerable when u're around

I shook my head, sending them one last message before putting my phone on airplane mode and pulling out my earphones from my bag. I spent the entire flight watching a movie that I downloaded in advance on my phone, not bothering to sleep because I knew it wouldn't be enough.

Dom was the one who picked me up at the airport and he and dad quickly caught up with what's been happening in the previous races. "I'm stealing your dad for today. Go away and be young." He said, making my dad laugh as I rolled my eyes at my manager.

"Are you calling yourself old?" I smirked, laughing when the tables turned and Dom was the one glaring at me now.

"Are you blind now?" He pointed at his hair that was now mostly gray before pointing at dad. There wasn't as much like Dom's, but there was enough for you to notice from afar. "I'm okay with being old as long as I look like a silver fox."

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