Chapter Fifteen: Free Rein

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Got a mix of fluff and fighting here :)



When I'm walking in the paddock, I'm seen as a driver of Scuderia Leone with photographers around me ready to take photos that would be all over the internet by the end ot the day. I'm seen as a driver that carries sponsorships on her clothes. I'm seen as a driver that's expected to perform every minute of the day from Fridays to Sundays.

But in New York, I'm no one.

And I fucking love it.

I've been assigned the task of buying coffee this morning while Syd busied herself in the kitchen. The guys were coming over for brunch today which meant I was currently trying to not spill five cups of iced coffee on the street as I walked back. Technically, Atlas invited himself when he learned the team booked him to arrive a week early in New York, giving him some time to go around. He then pushed Saint to book his flight the same day and aggressively threatened Levi to drive early from Washington.

The coffee shop I went to was three blocks from our apartment, making the walk manageable for someone holding a carton in one hand and the fifth drink in the other. No one batted an eye at me as I walked on the sidewalk, avoiding those that looked like they were thirty minutes late for an interview. Living in the city has made it easier for me to instinctively avoid clashing with someone else because I know it will not lead to good things.

Especially when coffee's involved.

Our apartment was a lucky find because it was bigger than what some people would expect with the rent we're paying. From the front door, a long hallway would greet you with two doors on the right and one on the left. The end of it led to the open space we've dedicated to the living room slash dining room and then the kitchen. Our dining table was only made for four people so it was going to be tight unless we eat on the coffee table in the living room and sit on the carpet.

"Mademoiselle!" Atlas greeted when I came into view, eyes immediately zooming in on the coffee.

"Hey, how long have you guys been here?" Atlas was sitting on one of the solo chairs while Saint was on the couch, both of them wearing the hotel slippers Syd and I would bring home from our trips for when we had guests. I tried hard not to look around for the other member of the Tres Pilotos as I passed them both their drinks.

"Syd said we arrived a few minutes after you left." Saint accepted his and took a sip, eyes closing as he took in the caffeine. "Woah, this is good."

"Best coffee within a five block radius." I winked before heading to the kitchen to give hers.

Ah, there he is.

Levi was standing in front of the small kitchen island that we had, chopping bananas and strawberries while Syd cooked some pancakes a few feet from him. I cleared my throat, making the two of them look up.

"Lifesaver!" Syd cheered as she made a beeline for me, grabbing the coffee and practically devouring it. I shook my head as she went back to the stove, setting down Levi's cup in front of him.

"There's an extra shot there." I said, leaning on the counter before drinking my own.

Levi glanced at the drink before giving me a small smile, the kind that I've been seeing more of lately. "Katarina." He simply said, lifting the drink in my direction before taking a sip.

"Your majesty." I replied, copying his gesture. He gave an approving nod before setting down the coffee and continuing his previous task. Silence wrapped around the three of us, Saint and Atlas' hushed voices being heard from the living room.

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