Chapter Four: No. Non. Nein. Ayoko. Nyet.

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Growing up and travelling all the time meant I didn't have that much friends back home. Most of my time was spent working with mechanics and training with Jasmine. When I was a teenager, I felt like I was missing out on the small stuff that would make your teenage life amazing.

But then I realized I was living my dream and nothing else could beat that.

It's fortunate that I have people like Saint and Atlas who have adopted me into their little group. I'm not counting Levi because after that night in the pool, he kept his distance and would usually offer short responses when the other two involved him in the conversation.

We were in Spain for the fifth race of the year and I was just preparing to leave when a knock came from my hotel room door. It was Thursday and I was expected to film a bunch of promo stuff with Saint. From the schedule I was given yesterday, there were a few interviews as well along with the usual press conference in the afternoon.

With my eyebrows furrowed after taking a look in the peephole, I opened the door to see Atlas grinning at me. Behind him, Saint gave me a small wave while Levi just leaned against the wall on the other side of the hallway. The last two were both wearing their team gear while Atlas was dressed in casual clothes. Come to think of it, I've never seen him wear his team gear during media days.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" I asked, wanting to add the word displeasure when my eyes connected with Levi's who only raised an eyebrow at me before looking away.

"We're having your welcome brunch!" Atlas replied, grabbing my arm and pulling me into the direction of the elevator.

"It's been a month since I got the seat."

"You know how life is, kid." Saint said as he appeared beside me. "You don't really have much control with your schedule during the season."

It was a sad reality. Now that I'm driving in F1, I've had to make more trips to Italy to work with the team in the factory and gain some time in the simulations. I've been sharing an apartment with Jasmine whenever we're there which means she's also keeping an eye on my diet and how consistent I am with my workouts. Aside from that, the amount of promo was honestly overwhelming.

"Are you aware that we have a video to film in half an hour?" I asked my teammate.

"Atlas took care of that." I turned to the blonde whose smile had widened, clicking the button going down and leaning against the wall beside the elevator doors.

"My best friend is very charming." He didn't say anything more as the four of us piled into the elevator, Levi and I standing on opposite sides while Saint and Atlas stood in the middle.

"Speaking of friends, what's with the cold war?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"She's annoying."

My lips parted in shock as Levi and I spoke at the same time, my eyes soon forming into slits as I glared at him. "Excuse me?"

"You stole my pool time." Whatever happened to the Levi King who rarely talked? I didn't know him long, but I sure do miss his presence.

"I'm sorry, your majesty. What are you? Five?"

Saint snickered while Atlas let out a low laugh.

"Oh god. She called you your majesty."

"Fuck off." Levi directed at him before turning back to me. I was momentarily caught by surprise at the sheer color of his eyes, feeling myself gaze harder into them as if I was looking into the depths of the sea. "Swim during pool hours, or better yet, find somewhere else to swim."

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