Chapter Thirteen: F1 Twitter Would Die

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Will try to make another update either tonight or tomorrow :)

And yes, I still call it Twitter because 'X' doesn't sound right lol



"Stop pulling your dress down." Syd groaned as we both rode the elevator. I rolled my eyes at her and did it again, mainly just to agitate her further. I had a thin jacket over my shoulders which Syd only let me wear when I promised I'd take it off at the club. She's already making me wear this. There's no way I was freezing myself to death just to look good when I had a perfectly good outfit that was enough to keep me warm.

"You better find me a Category B as compensation for this." I glared at her, watching the numbers dial down.

"You already have one."

"What?" She gave me a dumbfounded look before moving closer and pulling my hair. "Ow? The fuck?"

"Acting all blind and foolish doesn't suit you, Kat. We both know Levi is a perfect Category B."

He kind of is. Setting aside the obvious good looks and talent, Levi proved to be the type of guy Syd always teased me about. She liked guys who were as outgoing as her and would ride along with the adventures she found herself on. As for me, I like having my privacy. I understand that living this life puts that at risk, but it doesn't mean I have to air out my entire dirty laundry to the world. They get what I let them see.

They don't know about the tension at home nor how I never really got over my sister's death. They don't know about the ever present doubts of holding a seat in F1. They don't know about the little things– how I prefer long flights rather than riding private jets because I liked having all that time to myself where I was literally up in the air or how I prefer staying in the city instead of my childhood home that was on the outskirts because the noise calmed me. Privacy is just as expensive as a first-class ticket, if not more.

It's obvious that Levi was one of the most private people I've ever met. If Saint didn't mention his sisters, I wouldn't even know he had that many siblings in the first place. You wouldn't find a trace of his family online either except for the few baby pictures that would be officially released by his team or the organization. He's naturally closed off, which is why it surprised me when he willingly tore his walls down earlier today in front of me. To see someone in their vulnerable state? To see how everything they've been keeping inside them bursts out like a dam? To see someone like Levi who's covered in black and white show an ounce of color to me? It's a privilege that's not given lightly, which is why I didn't push him to talk to me about it.

The elevator doors opened and Syd and I stepped out, heads looking around to look for the guys. They were standing by the front entrance of the hotel, listening to whatever Atlas was saying.

"Sydney!" Atlas cheered when he saw us, causing Levi and Saint to turn our way. I chuckled as Atlas ran towards us and gave Syd a huge hug before kissing her cheek.

"Well, hello there." I mockingly said and Atlas kissed my cheek too. I rolled my eyes at the grin on his face, trying very hard to avoid turning my head to the left where I knew the other two guys were walking towards us. Despite the air conditioning in the hotel lobby, my entire body was flaring up and I didn't need to look up to see a pair of blue eyes focused on me.

"You look like trouble." Saint said to Syd, giving her a hug as well before turning to me. "And you look like you're ready to hit someone." I rolled my eyes and taunted him with my fist.

"Wanna go first?" I smirked and Saint raised his arms up in surrender.

"She's mad at me because I'm forcing her to show those legs. She obviously forgot her mood doesn't affect me at all." I pinched her arm and Syd only swatted my hand away, unaffected by my actions. "Shall we?"

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