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I was really difficult write this part. 

tell me who all cried  


Lost in the world's whirls, I yearned for someone to hold, A soul to pull me together, A godsent love, I'd always been told.

I found you, arms open wide, Your embrace felt like home, a gentle tide. In your arms, the chaos ceased, My soul found calm, my fears released.

But then you chose to leave, And darkness swallowed me whole. The place that once brought peace, Now felt like a cursed role.

Lost in the world's whirls, I craved solace, felt alone, No one to find or embrace me, So I hugged myself, a heart of stone, And drifted into sleep, deeply unknown.



Arjun's departure cast a long shadow over Riya's fragile sense of stability. Each night without him grew harder, the void of his absence triggering the nightmares she had managed to keep at bay while he was near. She would often wake up drenched in sweat, gasping for air, only to remember that Arjun was thousands of miles away, unable to offer his comforting presence.

One particularly harsh night, the nightmares reached a fever pitch. Riya's paracosm, Whispering Vale, enveloped her entirely, leaving no room for the waking world. She felt herself slipping, unable to distinguish between reality and the haunting memories of her past. The walls of the mansion felt like they were closing in on her, and she longed for the safety of her internal world.

In Whispering Vale, Riya found herself by the familiar stream where she often sought solace. The vibrant, imaginary world offered a stark contrast to her spiralling reality. Amidst the trees and soft whispers of the Vale, she saw Maya—her best friend and Arjun's deceased sister. Maya's presence had always been a comfort, a piece of Riya's heart that never left, even after her tragic death.

"Maya!" Riya called out, her voice trembling.

Maya turned, her smile gentle and familiar. "Riya, you're back. What happened?"

Tears welled up in Riya's eyes as she ran towards Maya, embracing her tightly. "I don't know what to do, Maya. Everything is falling apart. Arjun left, and I can't... I can't handle it. Please keep me with you. I don't wanna go back."

Maya stroked Riya's hair soothingly. "I'm here, Riya. You're safe here. But you will have to go back. You can't stay here forever. "

Back in the real world, Aryan was growing increasingly concerned. In the morning he stared blankly at nothing in particular. Riya had not responded to anyone all day, her eyes vacant and unfocused. When he tried to talk to her, it was as if she were looking through him, her mind completely detached from the present.

"Riya, can you hear me?" Aryan's voice was desperate, but there was no response.

He quickly called the family doctor, who arrived promptly. After a brief examination, the doctor pulled Aryan aside. "She appears to be in a catatonic state (Catatonia is a state in which someone is awake but does not seem to respond to other people and their environment). It could be triggered by extreme stress or trauma. We need to get her to a hospital for a thorough evaluation."

Aryan nodded, his heart heavy with worry. He immediately called Arjun, his voice urgent. "Arjun, you need to come back. Riya is... she's not herself. She's not recognizing anyone, and the doctor says it's serious."

The news of Riya's condition spread through the household, leaving everyone in a state of shock. Maya's mother, Meera, looked pale and shaken. "What's happening to her?" she asked Aryan, her voice quivering.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 19 ⏰

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