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Arjun woke up early, the soft glow of dawn barely peeking through the curtains of their bedroom. He turned to look at Riya, her face serene in sleep, her breath soft and even. For a moment, he felt a pang of tenderness, a yearning to bridge the chasm that had grown between them. Determined to reach out, he quietly slipped out of bed and headed downstairs.

In the kitchen, he brewed a pot of coffee, the rich aroma filling the room as he gathered his thoughts. He needed to talk to Riya, to understand what was happening to her, and to try and mend the fragile bond they shared. Arjun sat at the kitchen table, pen in hand, and wrote a simple note:


I hope you had a good night's sleep. I feel we need to talk, just the two of us. I'll be in the garden. Please join me when you're ready.

- Arjun

Leaving the note on the bedside table, Arjun stepped out into the garden, the cool morning air a welcome contrast to the turmoil inside him. He found a spot under the large oak tree, its branches providing a canopy of shade, and sat down to wait.

As the morning wore on, Riya stirred awake. She reached out instinctively, her hand meeting the cool, empty space beside her where Arjun should have been. Sighing, she sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Her gaze fell upon the note on the bedside table. She picked it up, her heart sinking as she read Arjun's words.

Riya felt a surge of anxiety. She had been avoiding Arjun for weeks, retreating deeper into her paracosm, Whispering Vale, each time the real world became too overwhelming. The idea of facing him, of explaining herself, felt like an insurmountable task. She placed the note back on the table, her mind racing.

Instead of heading to the garden, Riya retreated to her sanctuary, the small reading nook in the corner of their bedroom. She curled up with a book, though the words blurred together as her mind wandered to Whispering Vale. The familiar comfort of her paracosm beckoned, and she found herself slipping away from the present, seeking solace in the world she had created.

Hours passed, and Arjun's hope slowly turned to despair. He paced the garden, glancing towards the house every few minutes, waiting for any sign of Riya. But she never came. The silence from the house was deafening, and with each passing moment, his heart grew heavier.

Eventually, Arjun couldn't take it anymore. He marched back into the house, determination and frustration fueling his steps. He found Riya in the reading nook, her eyes distant and unfocused, lost in a world he couldn't see.

"Riya," he said, his voice strained. "Why didn't you come? We need to talk."

Riya looked up, startled out of her reverie. She met Arjun's gaze, seeing the hurt and confusion etched on his face. "Arjun, I... I just couldn't. I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" Arjun repeated, his voice rising. "Riya, we've been living like strangers under the same roof. I don't understand what's happening to you. You're here, but you're not really here. What is it? What are you hiding from me?"

Riya's heart raced. She felt cornered, her mind a chaotic mess of emotions. "It's not something I can easily explain, Arjun. Please, just give me some time."

"Time?" Arjun echoed, incredulous. "I've given you time, Riya. Weeks have passed, and things are only getting worse. I feel like I'm losing you, and I don't even know why."

Tears welled up in Riya's eyes. She wanted to reach out to him, to explain the depth of her struggles, but the words caught in her throat. Whispering Vale was her sanctuary, her escape from a reality that often felt too overwhelming. How could she make him understand?

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