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Chapter Twelve:


The venue buzzes with vibrant energy and lively music. Splashes of soft green adorn the white circular tables, lending a welcoming ambiance to the large, open space. With the sun set and the night taking over, the guests are now thoroughly immersed in the revelry, their spirits lifted by sweet and savoury foods, along with copious amounts of alcohol.

Tommy, positioned at one of the many refreshments tables, pours himself a glass of whiskey. On his left, he catches sight of Arthur twirling Ada in a spirited dance, their laughter resonating joyously. They are encircled by the women of the Lee family and the men of the Shelby clan, all swaying and moving to the melodies coming from a corner of the venue.

With a measured sip of his whiskey, Tommy scans the surroundings. His gaze falls upon John, seated at a table with Esme and her companions, undoubtedly immersed in a lively exchange of gossip. A short distance away, Uncle Charlie has Finn and Isaiah under his firm grip, clearly reprimanding them. Tommy wisely averts his eyes, choosing not to delve into the details.

As he finishes his whiskey, the music transitions to a softer melody, and a flushed and radiant Ada joins him, gracing him with an affectionate smile.

"Not planning to dance with anyone?" Ada inquires.

Tommy shakes his head, placing his glass down to pour a flute of champagne for his sister. She accepts it, her mischievous gaze scrutinising Tommy's appearance.

"Waiting for Nine?" Ada playfully probes.

Tommy frowns. "I'm not waiting for Nine," he denies.

"Do you think he'll ask you to dance?" Ada persists, disregarding his denial. She can't help but let out a laugh as Tommy's frown deepens.

"And what's got you looking so sour?" Aunt Polly interjects, joining them. She's cradling John's youngest, Mary, on her hip, who appears drowsy, trying to blink away the sleep from her soft, brown eyes. 

"He's waiting for Nine," Ada explains, taking a sip of her champagne.

"I'm not waiting for Nine," Tommy repeats, emphasising his words. What is it about the women in his life? Do they all conspire in secret gatherings, exchanging hushed whispers on how to rattle Tommy's composure? 

It's utterly inconceivable.

He has acknowledged finding Nine attractive, but that doesn't mean Tommy desires him or, heaven forbid, needs him. So why does Aunt Polly have a knowing glimmer in her eyes, while Ada smiles at him, fond yet utterly exasperated? 

Tommy despises this feeling. It's as if his aunt and sister know something he doesn't. 

"Speak of the devil," Aunt Polly murmurs, her gaze shifting over Tommy's shoulder, undoubtedly catching sight of Nine.

"He's just as handsome as ever," Ada sighs dreamily, clutching onto the pearls around her neck.

"You're married," Tommy reminds her. He glances over his shoulder, easily spotting Nine's imposing stature towering above the other guests. Nine leads his son forward, a guiding hand resting on the young boy's back.

"No need to be jealous," Ada teases, "he's your hitman, not mine."

Tommy flushes, feeling a wave of heat crawl up the back of his neck. He turns back around to glare at Ada, but she dismisses him, raising her hand high in the air to wave at Nine.

"Over here!" Ada calls out above the soft music.

Nine turns his head, a gentle smile shaping his face as his silver gaze transitions from Ada to Tommy, causing Tommy's heart to quicken its pace.

make room (we're taking over here) ━ tommy shelby x male!oc!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum