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Chapter Two: 


The warm rays of the late morning sun spill onto the bustling streets of Birmingham, casting a golden glow over the town. The air is still chilly, despite the sunshine and Tommy,  dressed in a sharp suit that exudes authority, walks briskly through the crowded sidewalk. 

He's followed closely by Ada, who interlinks her arm with his, grinning brightly. They're on their way to their usual spot. A quaint cafe nestled between buildings, known for their good tea and sweet pastries. 

It's their weekly rendezvous of sibling gossip.

As they turn the corner, Tommy's gaze falls upon the cafe. Small, circular tables dot the pavement, adorned with simple white cloths and vases full of colourful flowers. Patrons are immersed in quiet conversations, creating an atmosphere of tranquillity.

And there, sitting at a corner table, is Nine, sipping at his tea and reading the morning paper. 

Tommy falters in his steps and Ada does too, looking at him with furrowed brows. She squeezes his arm and asks, “Tommy, are you alright?” 

A brief pause lingers in the air as Tommy composes himself. “I'm fine,” he says, his voice steady as he leads Ada to an empty table. They take their seats and a waiter promptly approaches them, recognising them instantly. 

"Mr. Shelby, Miss Shelby. Your usual?" the waiter inquiries, his tone respectful.

Tommy nods, his gaze still fixed on Nine. His attention shifts momentarily to the Dobermans by the man's side. One is sitting beside him on the ground, vigilant, while the other is lying beneath the table, holding a small teddy bear in its mouth. 

The waiter, following the line of Tommy's eyesight visibly tenses. “My apologies, Mr Shelby. We were… donated a large sum of money and couldn't refuse. But I assure you, the dogs are well-behaved.”

“I’ve no issue with the dogs,” Tommy says firmly. “They can stay.” 

The waiter exhales a breath of relief, grateful for Tommy's understanding. He nods and makes a hasty retreat to attend to other customers.

Ada sighs, a tinge of exasperation in her voice. She turns in her seat, angling herself for a better view of Nine, and voices her thoughts, "It's business, isn't it? It's always business with you.”

Tommy pauses, carefully thinking over his words before he quietly responds. “He's not in our type of business, Ada. I had a copper look into him. Couldn't find his real name, just that he came to Birmingham from Saint Petersburg.” 

Ada peers intently at Nine, emitting a soft, contemplative hum, so Tommy adds for good measure, “he's a hitman.” 

His sister sends him a suggestive glance.  “He’s too handsome to be Russian.” 

“That's what you gathered from all I said?” Tommy asks, retrieving his pack of cigarettes from his pocket. “That he's too handsome to be Russian?” He pulls out a cig and lights it, inhaling the tobacco deeply. When he exhales, he sends the smoke to the side, away from his sister. 

“Well, it's not everyday we come across a dashing hitman, is it?” Ada remarks, grinning wolfishly. She rises from her chair, grabs her purse and ushers Tommy out of his seat, seizing him by the wrist and tugging him along. 

“Remember,” she says, full of mirth, “it's Thursday. My word is law.” 

Tommy does remember. It's why he yields to Ada's playful authority. It's the one day a week she gets to tell him what to do, no questions asked. It's the only way he can make her stay with him ━━ with their family. 

As they approach the corner table, Nine, engrossed in his morning paper, acknowledges their presence without looking up. His voice, deep and smooth, breaks the silence. "Mr. Shelby," he greets, casually flipping a page. "Have you come to return the loan?”

Tommy’s ‘loan’ is currently tucked between his lips and hanging from the corner of his mouth. “I'm smoking it,” he says with a touch of defiance, taking the closest seat to Nine. 

His sister sits opposite them, unable to keep the wolfish grin off her pleased face. When Tommy doesn't immediately introduce her, she kicks his shin playfully beneath the table. 

“This is Ada,” Tommy says reluctantly, biting the filter of his cigarette. He sends Ada a displeased look for the unjustified kick he received. “Feel free to ignore her.” 

“Duly noted,” Nine says, folding his morning paper in half and placing it atop the table. His Doberman, which had been previously concealed beneath the table, rests its head on Nine's thigh, emitting a soft huff as it clutches a teddy bear in its mouth. Nine smiles, gently petting the dog. “It's a pleasure to meet you, Ada. My name is Nine.” 

Ada's grin sharpens, her amusement evident. "Oh, no, please," she retorts, her voice dripping with playful charm. "The pleasure is all mine." Her curiosity piques and she inquires, "Are you married, Mr. Nine?” 

“Afraid not,” Nine replies, his tone carrying a hint of amusement. 

"Interesting," Ada says, clasping her fingers beneath her chin. She shoots another suggestive glance at Tommy. "Very interesting." 

Tommy takes a drag from his cigarette and deliberately exhales the smoke toward Ada, who doesn't even flinch. His sister persists, her curiosity unyielding. "So, what is your type, Mr. Nine?"

"My type?" Nine tilts his head, playing along with Ada’s line of questioning. He ducks his  head, trying to hide the curve of his mouth. Before he can answer, the waiter from before stops at their table, placing two teas and a jam pastry onto the table. 

“My apologies,” the waiter interjects, settling sugar and milk onto the table next, “I wasn't aware you moved tables, Mr. Shelby.” 

“That's quite alright,” Tommy dismisses, extinguishing his cigarette in the ashtray. 

The waiter nods, avoiding direct eye contact and focusing just above Nine's shoulder. "Would you like anything else, Mr. Nine?" he asks, his hesitation palpable.

"No," Nine replies. Beside him, his other Doberman yawns, revealing its sharp fangs. "I'll be taking my leave now."

"Of course," the waiter says, visibly relieved. "Thank you for visiting our fine establishment." With that, he departs, leaving the table behind.

“You sure know how to make an impression,” Ada mutters, reaching for her tea and jam pastry. She takes a bite out of her sweet treat and leaves powdered sugar along her lips. “You can't stay?” She asks, feigning disappointment. “I was just about to tell Tommy all the hot, new gossip.” 

“I have places to be, Miss Shelby,” Nine says, rising from his chair. His two Dobermans stand alert, already following his lead.

“We'll be here next week,” Ada offers mischievously, “same day, same time.”

Tommy retaliates by kicking her shin beneath the table, his gaze conveying a silent 'no.' Ada pays him no mind, casually licking off the powdered sugar from her lips.  

“Enjoy your tea,” Nine muses, bidding his farewell. Tommy watches him and his hounds easily weave their way around the cafe tables and then down the bustling street. Only when he is Nine is out of sight does he shift his gaze back to Ada.

“Mm,” Ada hums, sipping at her tea. There's a knowing gleam in her eyes as she settles the cup back onto its saucer. “I think he fancies you,” she says quietly, and then, because deep, deep down, she's an awful little sister who knows too much about her older brother, she adds, “and I think you like him too.” 

Tommy ignores her and lights another cigarette. 


1245 words//unedited.

ugh, working at a nursery isn't for the weak 🥲 the kids these days are absolute monsters :(

anyways, until next time 🍃🍃🍃

make room (we're taking over here) ━ tommy shelby x male!oc!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt