The Final Battle, Part 1.

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For other characters that will collide with their future selves, future selves will be mentioned with F. in front of their names. This battle will be a 2 parter. 

At Olympus: (Past is Percy, Future is Perseus)

"Do you really want to get your ass beat by both the future and the past?" Percy asked, staring down at a winded Harry Potter, who was covered in scratches and bruises. Harry frowned, but said nothing. "Quit acting like I'm the one who did anything to you, when I'm trying to help you out here. Whatever my future self did doesn't make me who he is. Whatever he did, he did, and I didn't. Remember that before you make any other conclusions."

"I'm sorry." Harry apologized. Percy shrugged. 

"I get it, you're pissed at me." Percy waved it off. "But don't make that mistake again, because I am going to fight my future self too, which means we're on the same side here."

"Percy, the Gods have summoned everyone in the Throne Room." Annabeth called out to him. Percy nodded, helping Harry up. They both walked to the Throne Room together, while noticing some of the other wizards who had survived coming in groups. The Weasleys, the Malfoys, along with the Hogwarts faculty were a few. The original Professor Moody was there, accompanied by the likes of Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. There were some others that were there, but a majority of the people consisted of Harry's year, in terms of students. 

Everyone gathered in the Throne Room, where the remaining 10 Olympians, along with Hecate sat on thrones in their gigantic forms, staring down at the demigods and the Wizards. The wizards were the first to kneel on the floor, while the Demigods simply bowed their heads. As outsiders, the Gods had established a hierarchy, leaving the wizards at the lowest level, establishing that even with the guidance of the Gods, they were nothing more than simply foot soldiers even below the demigods. 

Of course, some of the more prideful of the wizardkind wouldn't accept that, and some examples had to be made by the Gods to show them their place. At least, that is what Zeus would say. He just didn't like the fact that they had to add mortals into their arsenal just to be able to combat a group of slightly more than a dozen demigods. 

"Now that we have everyone here, we shall be beginning with our Council Meeting." Zeus declared, his thunderous voice booming across the entire hall. "Kronos has been defeated, and I'm afraid that Perseus Jackson of the future, has returned."

"Indeed." Athena said. "The reports we obtained clearly match his description, and after thorough verification we can confirm that this is true. Along with that, we have also managed to confirm that the so called "Power Fluctuation" that prevented them from acting at their full power, is now gone."

"Which means we're now looking at the possibility of an all-out war." Ares added. Athena nodded in agreement. 

"But, we still have no idea as to where their strengths lie." Artemis said, turning to Hecate, who sat in her throne, albeit nervously. "As the only person from the future here, what can we expect of their abilities?" Hecate sighed. 

"I should start right at the beginning, I believe." Hecate said. "I will first narrate the events that transpired after this moment in time in the original timeline, till Percy Jackson travelled back into the past. Following which, I shall give you an understanding of their abilities, from my knowledge."

"And you have spent the last few months withholding this information from us. Why?" Hera asked. Hecate rolled her eyes.

"Well, if her high-bitchness ever let me talk, I might have told you all." Hecate said. "So, if you all still want information, let me talk, otherwise I can always abstain from this war altogether."

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