The Final Act: Prophecy Part 4

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With Percy, 

"...Are you satisfied now?"

Percy asked, staring down into the endless void of Tartarus, and to call him a bit worse for wear, would be an understatement. He was covered in Ichor, head to toe, drowning in the blood of Immortals as it remained splattered all over him. His breathing was heavy, almost like the burden of the Sky was on his back once more. He stumbled occasionally, not even capable of standing still. He frowned as he looked into the endless void, waiting for an answer. 

"I didn't just kill Akhlys for you to ghost me Chaos." Percy said, standing while using Riptide as support. "Get the fuck over here you bitch!" 

"Easy kid, pump the hate brakes." A feminine voice echoed all around him. He watched as the figure of a woman with long black hair and eyes that glowed with the light of stars materialized in front of him. "Has anyone ever taught you to respect your elders?"

"I'm here, as per the prophecy." Percy said. "So give me my ability so I can go back." Chaos giggled. Percy raised an eyebrow, surprised. Sure, she was the Creator of the Universe and everything, but why in Hades' name was she giggling like a little girl?

"Do you know how much time has passed in the above world?" She asked, taunting him. Percy's eyes widened, the time dilation finally catching up to him. 

"How long?"

"2 months." Chaos said. Percy smirked. 

"Hades yes!" He exclaimed. "That means the power fluctuations should be gone."

"Indeed." Chaos nodded. "The moment you return to your world, you will finally regain the full reach of your powers, along with the ability I give you now."

"Speaking of which, what exactly are you going to give me?" Percy asked. Chaos sighed. 

"To you, Perseus Jackson, I give the gift of absorption, and a warning." Chaos said. Percy stared at her, confused. 

"What do you mean by that?" He asked. "If it's about the prophecy, I'll figure it out. I almost have by now." Chaos shook her head. 

"I will explain in time." Chaos snapped her fingers, as Percy's veins began glowing underneath his invulnerable skin. A blue aura shimmered just underneath his veins, slowly merging into them, as a warm sensation filled Percy's system, slowly immersing itself within his body. "The ability of absorption allows you to absorb the powers of those you kill, and you gain 2 opportunities of using the full scope of their abilities to your advantage."

"2 chances?" Percy asked. "So, if I kill Kronos...?"

"You get 2 chances, to use the full powers of Kronos." Chaos explained. Percy nodded in understanding. 

"But why 2?" He asked. "I only need one shot to do what I want."

"That is where my warning comes in." Chaos said, snapping her fingers. The world veered around us, and I found myself, cleaned up, and sitting on a couch. Chaos sat in front of me, her legs resting on a table. "There will be consequences after you rewrite the timeline, Perseus, and for that, you will need this power."

"What do you mean by consequences?" Percy asked. "I thought you said it wouldn't be a problem for you."

"It wouldn't be, for the most part." Chaos shrugged. "But I'm afraid that I have to look at this as the one who enforces the natural order of things, an order that you are about to break horribly."

"Then just change the natural order to fit my design." Percy said. Chaos shook her head. 

"If only it were that easy." She said. "I'm afraid I don't have the power to change the natural order."

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