The Final Act: Prophecy part 3.

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The next day, with Malcolm, 

"Is everyone at their positions?" Malcolm asked, one hand on his I-Comms while the other hand activated a dial on his new armor, courtesy of Jake. 

"I'm set." Sherman said, on the other side of Ilvermorny, standing with a broadsword in hand and the Blessing of Ares roaring around him. "They've noticed me."

"Good." Austin said. "I'm ready too. Just give the word and I'll get to work." He said, his violin synced with the speakers that were being carried by drones in the air. The drones were circling around Ilvermorny. Lacey was keeping an eye on the drones, standing at a side exit with a sword in hand to kill off bystanders. 

"The trap is good to go." Miranda added, standing behind Sherman with her hands on the grounds. Her eyes were glowing with a green aura around her, and her hair stood on end. Malcolm nodded, switching to night vision. 

"Good, let's do this. Now!" Malcolm yelled into the comms,  grabbing his sword and rushing in from the behind, taking the two guards down by surprise. Sherman smirked, eyeing the group of two dozen people approaching. 

"Now this is my kind of party." Sherman smirked, charging at them. 

"Dude, what the hell are you-?" The wizard never got to finish his statement, as Sherman's broadsword cleaved right through him, and the wizard behind him. Sherman swung his broadsword around, tossing their bodies into the other members of the group, as a small barrier erupted around him. 

"Surrender now or die!" One of the wizards yelled out. Sherman simply smirked, punching the barrier. The barrier cracked open like an egg, and Sherman rushed forward, taking advantage of their shock as he grabbed one of them, snapping his neck. Sherman tossed the body at the nearest wizard, before cleaving him in half as well. He cut another one's head clean off, grabbing it as the others were slowly retreating away from him. One of the guy's on a broom caught his eye. 

"Oh no you don't." Sherman looked at the head he had just severed, and raised his arm in a throwing position. Sherman rushed forward, his enhanced speed due to the Blessing of Ares cleaving the sound barrier as the head caught on fire, the friction being too much. He launched the head into the air, as it flew straight and true like a missile, exploding on the wizard's face and bringing him down. He looked over, to see that Lacey and Katie had gotten down to work as well. 

Lacey sidestepped a spell, rushing forward with her sword as she buried it in one witch's forehead. 

"Trip!" She yelled, using charmspeak as a group of 5 witches and wizard tripped over themselves, falling. Lacey rushed forward, taking advantage to stab her sword through one of their head's. She quickly stomped on one of the other's heads, cleaving straight through the skull and crushing it. She grabbed her other heel, using the Celestial Bronze point and stabbed it through another wizard's eye. She continued her onslaught in the cramped exit tunnel, taking advantage of the chaos and slaughtering them three at a time. 

Miranda was having a good time as well, creating ropes of weeds through the ground as they latched onto the people, holding them in place while Malcolm deftly dealt with them all. She occasionally used throwing knives, taking down wizards that had taken up higher ground. She looked over back, to see that her battle partner was handling himself well. Malcolm cut a spell approaching him in half, and turned the dial on his suit again. 

"Stage 2." He muttered under his breath, as two miniature cannons appeared on his arms. He raised them in the air, firing at will as he targeted the wizards escaping through the air. One of his shots went straight through a wizard's head, and another went through a broom, breaking it in half as a wizard crashed into another and they both fell to their deaths. Miranda quickly grabbed a wizard in her binds who was about to sneak Malcolm. 

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