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Hyderabad, India

Saira and her family were gathered around the dining table, ready to break their fast as it was the month of  Ramadan.

As Saira reached for a date to begin, her phone interrupted with Ayaaz's call. Seeing his name on the screen, she frowned, muttering, "Ayaaz bhai, why's he calling now?"

Waleed, her father, glanced at her and advised, "Must be important, dear. Answer it."

With a sigh, she answered, taking a sip of water. Just as she began, "Assalam-"

Ayaaz's urgent voice cut in, "Bhabhi, Aariz met with an accident."

Saira gasped, choking on her water, and stood up abruptly, drawing everyone's attention. Her voice trembled as she asked, "Wh-what happened? And how is he"

"He was coming home from the office around 2 in the night and... he met with an accident," Ayaaz explained, his tone heavy with sorrow. "He's in surgery now, his situation is very critical and he's lost a lot of blood."

Tears welled up in Saira's eyes, and a single tear escaped, which she quickly wiped away, trying to stay composed amidst the sudden news.

Azlan, who had been watching Saira closely, finally spoke up, concern evident in his voice. "Saira, what happened? Will you tell us?"

But Saira remained silent, her mind numb with shock, her gaze fixed on an invisible point.
Sensing her distress, Rayyan, seated beside her, swiftly grabbed her phone and asked ayaaz about what happened.

Ayaaz recounted the grim details to Rayyan, who, in a comforting tone, assured him, "Don't worry, Ayaaz. He'll be fine, okay?" With that, he ended the call.

Meanwhile, Saira sat in silence, her heart heavy with worry, her lips moving in silent prayers for her husband's safety.

Rayyan then turned to his parents and relayed the distressing news.
Waleed and Samina, their faces etched with concern, wasted no time. "Call Zain,"

Waleed instructed, his voice urgent. "Tell him to get to the hospital immediately." As zain used to live in London only.

Rayyan nodded solemnly and promptly conveyed the message to Zain, knowing every moment counted in such a critical situation.

After everyone left for Maghrib prayer, Saira remained in her room,offering salah.

With tears welling up in her eyes, she raised her hands in front of Allah and spoke with trembling lips, "Ya Allah," she began, her voice quivering with emotion.

Saira's heartfelt prayer echoed through her room, her voice trembling with emotion as she poured out her deepest fears and hopes to the Almighty.

Tears flowed freely down her cheeks, mingling with her whispered pleas for Aariz's well-being.

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