Chapter 4- The Picnic

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“Nah, I think you would enjoy it more”, He whispered again.

“Oh okay….” I said.

Maybe he would try to make a move on me.

No, what was I thinking?

Niall wouldn’t like me.

Why would the cute, Irish boy like an ordinary girl from California?

“We’ll be right back!” Niall shouted to Sean and Belle.

“Oooh, I wonder where they’re going?” Belle said and snickered.

“Oh shut up Isabelle!” I said.

“Best friends can be so annoying” I heard Niall say as we were walking through the woods.

“Tell me about it!”, I said.

It wasn’t awkward at all, as we walked through the woods.

We kept a light conversation.

Pretty soon we got there.

It was a clearing in the woods where there were 3 log stumps.

It was arranged like a table and two chairs.

“Niall this is beautiful… I feel like that’s all I’ve been saying since I got here.” I said.

“That’s all I’ve been thinking about you, since I saw you” he stuttered.

I could feel my cheeks getting red.

“Um, thanks…” I said softly.

“Well m’lady would you like to sit down?” he said in beautiful voice.

“Sure” , I said and giggled.

He had a wide grin plastered on his face as he picked me up.

“Ahhhh, Niall put me down!” I screamed.

“Whatever you say, your highness” he said as he sat me down on a log.

I loved his cheekiness and the way he treated me like a princess.

“you know I can walk!” I said loudly.

Niall grinned and said, “I know, I wanted you to feel special.”

I blushed again.

How many times in one day can I blush?

“So why are we here?” I asked in a curious tone, breaking the awkwardness.

“I wanted to spend a little time with you and get to know you” he mumbled and was red as a tomato once again.

He was very straightforward sometimes.

I blushed, AGAIN.

His comment sent shivers down my spine.

“Well do you want to play 21 Questions, love?”, he asked.

“What are you waiting for? Shoot!” I said.

Whenever he called me “love”, it always put me in a good mood, but that was common here I guess.

“Okay. Where are you from?”, Niall asked.

“Sacramento, California.” I replied

“Awesome! What are your hobbies?” he asked

“Dancing, reading, and painting.” I replied once again.

“That’s great! What do your parents do?” he asked

“My mom is a renowned fashion designer and my dad works at Apple” I said

“Very interesting. Do you have siblings?” He asked properly.

“Nah I’m an only child.” I said.

“Are you good in your studies?” he asked

I laughed at how they said school here and said, “Yep, I make all A’s every year.”

“Wow you lucky little girl!” he said.

“I’m not a little girl” I said and fake pouted.

“Whatever you say princess, so do you have a boyfriend?”

“Nope”, I said popping the “p”.

I literally saw his eyes light up.

Maybe he liked me…

Nahh, Niall’s too perfect for me.

Niall’s POV:

She doesn’t have a boyfriend!

I don’t know how she doesn’t, she’s amazing!

Maybe I have a chance!

“Okay, enough about me” she said after I asked her more questions.

“Its my turn to ask!” she exclaimed happily.

I loved seeing her smile and be happy.

I wanted to be the reason for her smile.

I would treat her as a princess always.

I would never do anything to hurt her.

All I want is to have her.

I realized how cheesy and sappy that was, but it was the truth.

I realized I had zoned out and I heard her calling my name.

“I love how you say my name” I thought out loud.

“What?” she said and blushed.

“Fuck, did I say that out loud?!” I said

She giggled.

“Sorry for the profanity, I’m an Irishman ya’know?” I said.

“It’s aiight! She said. “I’ve heard worse.”

All of a sudden, I heard an all too familiar laugh.

“Sean you shouldn’t spy on people! I thought your mum taught you better” I said in an annoyed tone.

I could tell Amanda was taken aback a little.

“You can come out now” I said.

Sean and Isabelle stepped out holding hands.

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