Introductory Course Log - Designation AP-001

31 7 0

Extracted from AmpCore Central Curriculum Cache 214A


Primary Metric(s): Climate Control, Offensive Operations

Secondary Metric(s): Irrigation, Urban Development, Corporate Liaison Duties

The Atmospheric Principle is defined as: method by which a user may manipulate the atmospheric conditions of their immediate surroundings, and utilise new atmospheric conditions as the situation requires.

This principle is considered a core principle for all AmpCore inductees, and, as laid out in Logs AP-008 through AP-67, has been assigned a primary metric for use in Climate Control / Offensive Operations.

Negative Consequence Potential Rating: A

Only AmpCore inductees with a control grading of IX or above are permitted to undertake Atmospheric training without a qualified instructor present.

All lower levels must be accompanied by an instructor at all times when in live training situations (see Ancillary Log AP-X09 re. Academy responsibilities and liabilities). 

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