the museum

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"I umm- I can't say....." I said.

"Why are you like one of those Disney princesses that can tell nobody about their role?" Daniel said laughing.
Sure let's go with that, I thought.

"Perhaps." I said smiling.

"Okay well tell me something else about you." He said.

"Like what?" I asked.

"I don't know what were you like as a child?" He asked.

"Oh I mean I used to be kinda nerdy and had plaits in my hair daily. So very different to how I am now." I said.

"Cute. I feel like I haven't changed much." He said.

-----------------------time passes---------------------

After a couple hours our date was over and he offered to drive me home. I said it was fine because I wanted to walk so he left in his car and I began to walk my journey home. I wasn't exactly sure what to think about him. He was sweet and caring but I never felt that spark.

When I arrived home I saw Sienna sat on the couch watching 'F•R•I•E•N•D•S'.

"How did it go?" She asked as she paused the TV.

"I don't know. It was fun but I don't think I like him like that." I said.

"That's okay. You will find that person one day." She said as I took my heels off.

"Sisi......." I said.

"Yeah?" She said.

"What is wrong with me?" I said.

"What do you mean?" She said.

"I've been on loads of dates but everytime it just doesn't work. I mean I've never actually had a second date with anyone!" I said.

"Hey it's okay!" Sienna said.

"No! No it's not! It's easy for you to say because you have Harry! I'm 104 years old and I have never once met someone who I can just be me around and that I'm attracted to or someone who isn't a total weirdo!" I said.

"Y/n! Listen to me! You are the loveliest, funniest, kindest,selfless, sexiest person I have ever met! It's crazy how you haven't met that person yet, but there is nothing wrong with you! Okay?! Nothing! You will find that person one day! And when you do I can gladly scream in your face that I told you so. Never talk about yourself like that." Sienna said standing up from the couch and giving me a hug.

"You really think so?" I said.

"I know so. Now get out of that outfit into some of your most comfortable PJ's and we can watch a movie of your choice before I need to leave to go back to my apartment ready for work tomorrow." She said.

I went into my bedroom before stripping my clothes off and putting on my PJ's.

I went into my bedroom before stripping my clothes off and putting on my PJ's

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