Emily in paris and a date

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Once me and Sienna got back to my apartment we got straight back into our pjs to relax. We continued to watch 'Emily in Paris' like we were going to do earlier before the boys interrupted us. The thing with me and Sienna is that we have 2 different views on it. Sienna is team Gabriel and I am team Alfie. (However she did admit one time that she was team Alfie.)

"No but like his sideburns are not it!" Sienna said talking about Alfie's side burns.

"Leave his sideburns alone! They are fine!" I said.

"They just look weird. I'm sorry." She said.
"I also just find him slightly annoying because he doesn’t care about Emily at all! Just like you don’t like Gabriel." She said.
"But I love you so I guess I’ll have to put up with him." She added.

"Awww love you too. But you don't know Alfie yet. Alfie cares about emily sooooooooo much later on. Probably too much. He is the kindest, most sweetest person ever! And he cuteeeeee! And Britishhh." I said.
"And I don't hate Gabriel I just think he isn't very considerate of hurting others." I added.

"Mmmmm I think that is not true." She said.

"Like he doesn't care if Emily doesn't want to be with him and be friends with camille he still flirts with emily." I said.

"Okay but like......" She said.

"Also did you know the actress who plays camille is actually called camille." I said.

"Nooo waaayyy!!!" She said.

"Yes wayy!!!" I said.

"Some of Emily’s fashion choice is quite questionable sometimes." Sienna said.

"Indeed. She is verrryyy extra." I said.

-----------------------time passes---------------------

"Okay now I do want them to get together." Sienna said.

"Yayyyyyy!!!" I said.

"Ok now Gabriel starting to annoy me." She said.

"Thank you. You see my side now." I said.

"STARTING TO!!! Not fully yet." Sienna said.

-----------------------time passes---------------------

"Alfie is so meeannn." Sienna said.

"He isn't really. You haven't met him." I said.

"Neither have you." She said.

"God I would faint." I said day dreaming at the idea of meeting the actor. (He was one of my many celebrity crushes if you didn't get that by this point.)

"Omg I love this bit........3.....2.....1........Nowwwwww!!!" I said.
"Look at his trousers! They don't fit." I said laughing and running up to the TV pointing.

Both me and sienna bursted out in laughter. I swear we can watch this a million times and still find new things to love about it.

-----------------------time passes---------------------

"HE AND EMILY BELONG TOGETHER!!!" She said talking about Alfie and Emily.

"Yesssssss!!!Your finally team alfie!!!" I said excited.

"MMHHHHMMMM!!!" She agreed.

-----------------------time passes---------------------

"JUST KISS ALREADY!!!" Sienna yelled at the screen.

"His eyes!!!" I said talking about how lovely Alfie's eyes were.

"#FRENCHKISSING!!!" Sienna said before we both once again laughed.

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