my life

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Hi, I'm Y/n Rogers and biologically I'm 104. This may confuse you because I look like I'm 21 however if you listen I can tell you my life story and how this all happened.

I grew up in Brooklyn, New York with my brother Steve in 1945 and one day something happened that changed our lives forever. Both me and my brother were frozen in the arctic for 66 years. Steve was found by SHIELD in 2011 and he was cryogenically preserved in the ice meaning he was still alive. I was found a few days later however it wasn't SHIELD who found me it was a man named Dr. Oscar Hendren.

Dr. Oscar Hendren trained me for 4 years at a camp called 'Scarlett Alley' as part of something known as 'the x program'. 'the X program' was a course that train me and 7 other girls to be deadly assassins. I was Dr. Oscar Hendren's best and favourite and everyone knew that. Everyday I would have to shoot at targets and do combat fighting with the other girls. As the years went by it got progressively easier to fight and shoot to the point that I did it a few times with my eyes closed and still won or shot the target.

I escaped from 'Scarlett Alley' and after a year of not being there it got shut down by the government.
It's been around 3 years since I was in that camp and have been doing my own missions. However I've used my skills for the good not for the worse. For example the other day I went to this building of a company which I knew was being run by some bad people who were holding a group of innocent people hostage.

I began to flirt with a guy at the reception and while he was focused on me I managed to steal his phone. I took him into a private room and shot him before using his fingerprint to unlock his phone. On his phone was the passwords to basically their whole security and records. I went onto the security and found the location of the hostages. I made my way through the corridors taking out all the workers in my way and managed to help the hostages escape.

It wasn't until a few days ago that I saw my freaking brother in the news saying him and a bunch of his friends were now the new hope for new York. The television called them 'the avengers'. I didn't even know he was alive until then and I was pleasantly surprised that he was doing so well for himself.

Now that all that information about my past is sorted I can let you know about my current situation. I live in a really nice apartment a little outside Brooklyn and have been living here for around 8 months. It's not too big but not too small. It has a nice sized kitchen and living room, a bedroom with an ensuite, a study and a washing machine and dryer room. It is a very cosy apartment and I truly love it.

I don't know many people however I do have one best friend who is the best person I have ever met. Her name is Sienna and we hang out nearly every day either just to chill, go shopping in the mall or gossip about life. We fight every so often but that's completely normal and I can't imagine my life without her. She has literally saved me in so many ways emotionally and I couldn't be more happy I know her.

She lives a few blocks away from me and it takes about 25 minutes to walk to her house which isn't actually that bad.

Today she is over at my house and we are helping each other to get ready for a party. This party is none other than a party that Tony stark is throwing at the avengers compound. I knew for a fact that my brother would be there and I haven't actually seen him since that day when we went into the ice in 1945.

I was half scared half excited to see him but I know it will all be worth it when I see his face of pure shock once he has seen me.

"Siennaaaaaaaaa!" I said.

"Y/nnnnnnnnnn!" She replied back.

"Help!" I said holding up two dresses to choose from for me to wear.

(You can choose either of these or choose something completely different if you want!)

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(You can choose either of these or choose something completely different if you want!)

"That one!" Said sienna pointing to the one she chose.

"Okay!" I said before rushing off into the bathroom to change.
"Are you ready to see?" I asked through the bathroom door.

"Yup!" She said sat on my bed. I opened the door to the bathroom and exited puffing out my skirt as I did so.
"Y/n! You look amazing!!!" She yelled excited.

"Really?" I said happy.

"Yes! You look stunning!" She said.

"Thank youuuu!!! Okay you're turn!" I said ushering her into the bathroom to change. She came out the bathroom.

"SIENNA!!! Shut up you look gorgeous!!!" I said jumping up amd down in my heels as much as I could.

"Girl look in the mirror!" She said.

"I literally love you so much!" I said giving her a hug.

"I love you more!" She said.

"Okay, hair time!" I said walking back into the bathroom with my hairbrush.

We chatted for a bit longer while curling our hair and doing very minimal makeup.

"You got everything?" I asked as we were getting ready to leave my apartment.

"Yup! You got the keys?" She asked me.
I held up a pair of keys in my hand and shook them about so they made a clatter noise. Sienna closed the door and it locked itself.

We carefully made our way towards the elevator in our outfits and heels and exited the building before hopping into a cab and driving to the avengers compound.

"You feeling okay?" Asked Sienna.

"I think so." I said trying to calm myself down. I was about to meet my brother again for the first time in 73 years!

Note from writer: hello!!! I will try to add a new chapter every Wednesday and Saturday!!! And I hope you enjoy the adventure with me!!! Love ya!!!

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