home sweet home

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"y/n thanks for letting me use your phone." Said Sienna coming over to all of us with Nat.

"No problem. Is everything okay at the school?" I asked.

"Yeah. Someone just forgot the password to the printers." She said laughing.

"Okay." I said smiling at her and patting the seat next to me.

"So y/n is it?" Said Nat.

"Hi.... Sorry I didn't say earlier I had to use that name to get in here and-" I started.

"Don't worry about it. Y/n's a nice name." Said Nat.

"Thanks!" I said.

"So you're Steve's sister?" She asked.

"Sadly." I said laughing.

"Excuse you!" Said Steve.

"Kidding! kidding!" I said laughing.

-----------------------time passes---------------------

"It was really nice meeting you y/n!" Said Wanda and Nat.

"It was great meeting you too!" I replied.

"You have my number now so give me a call okay?" Steve said .

"Will do!" I said smiling.

It was getting quite late, 9:00ish, So both me and Sienna left the building before getting in a cab and driving back to my apartment.

As we entered my apartment I could help but think about what just happened. I mean I met my brother again after 73 years and also found out that my brother's best friend is also alive!

"So was reuniting with your brother everything you ever hoped for?" Asked Sienna.

"Yep! I mean it wouldn't have hurt if I just found him and didn't have to sing infront of a hundred strangers but can't change that now can I?" I said taking my first heel off.

"You sounded great!" Sienna reassured me.

"Thanks. Even though you're probably just saying that to make me feel better." I said taking my last heel off.

"I'm not! I promise you!" She said.

"Whatever I'm still not singing again." I said.

"Oh come on seriously?!" She said.

"What?" I said.

"You're out of ice cream!" She said.

I laughed as I placed my heels in my closet.

"I'll buy some more tomorrow!" I yelled through to the kitchen from my bedroom. I closed my bedroom door leaving it open a crack so I could still talk to Sienna as I changed into PJ's.

"Are you staying the night?" I asked her.

"If you're okay with that?" She said.

"Hell yeah! But we have to watch 'how to loose a guy in 10 days' because I am in the mood for a good romance film." I said.

"Okay!" Sienna agreed.

"So what did you think of Steve?" I asked Sienna.

"He is taller than I imagined him being." She said.

"Okay but like personality wise? Do you like him? I want you guys to get along." I said.

"He's fine." She said.

"Fine?" I said.

"Yeah. I mean I didn't really talk to him much so I can't make a good opinion yet." She said.

"Well you will love him!" I said.

"I have a boyfriend y/n." Said Sienna.

"Ewww god no! Not in that way! Just in a friendly way!" I said.

"Good." Said Sienna.

I Finnished getting changed into my PJ's and left my bedroom

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I Finnished getting changed into my PJ's and left my bedroom.

"Go change." I said to Sienna.

Since Sienna stays over quite often at my house I have a whole drawer in my wardrobe dedicated to her clothes. She selected a few pairs of PJ's, underwear, tops, shorts, dresses and jumpers and I have them all stored in my apartment for times like this when she stays over spontaneously.

Sienna went into my bedroom to change into her PJ's while I pulled up 'how to loose a guy in 10 days' on the TV. I then went into the kitchen and started to collect snacks. Like sienna pointed out earlier I have no ice cream but I do have a batch of cookies that I made the day before. I took a pile of cookies and placed them on a plate before collecting strawberries, popcorn and chocolate. I put all of the snacks down on my coffee table before sienna exited the bedroom in her PJ's.

Sienna sat down on her end of the couch and I sat down on mine. We chose our spots on the couch the first time we both entered my fully furnished apartment and we haven't sat anywhere else since. We had our favourite blankets already placed in our spots and our favourite pillows behind us.

We began to watch the movie and kept looking at each other during it and occasionally chatting.

"Benny boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo!" We said laughing at the way she called him in the movie.

"Imagine if someone said that to you!" She said laughing.

"Sienna na na na na na na na na na!" I said laughing. We continued watching the movie and once it Finnished we were so tired and full from snacks that we nearly decided to just sleep on the couch. Once we found the energy to stand up we went into my bedroom and both got into my double bed because there was plenty of space for the two of us and neither of us cared since we were best friends.

"Goodnight." Said Sienna.

"Goodnight." I said.

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