Chapter 4 : Amelia

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"Who are you, where am I" I nearly screamed at the man. His smile instantly widens.
I feel so weak in front of him right now.
"What did I do to you" my voice starts to crack and water starts to edge over my eyes. I open my mouth again, just for the man to shut me up with a single finger.
I contain my anger and try to seal my lips before I say something that costs me my life. The shadow starts to get closer with every beat I skip.
"Stop, right now" I try to warn him with my death glare.
"Shhhhh" his deep voice echoes in the room.
The man switches on the light. The room immediately lights up and it feels so harsh on my eyes right now. For a minute everything went black, and then I saw everything. I saw light after, I don't know how many hours of being in this room.

But a strange thing sets me off guard, my most isn't reacting the same way my mind is or is my mind gaslighting my body.
Why the fuck I'm getting butterflies seeing someone who's held me in his house, my body cannot betray me like that.

"Who are you" I ask hesitantly
"Someone you can't escape"
"Smart mouth, huh" he's fucking intimidating but I cannot let him know, so, I just decided to stick to my sassy self.

He pulls out a chair and sits on it, facing me at my eye level. That's when I see how deeply beautiful his eyes are, how majestic they look under the dull lightening of this room but they are still daunting. Like soless pit of blackness they are dark and deep. It's hard to look directly into them, so I just sit there avoiding direct eye contact. I looked at my lap while my head tilted low.
My gaze finally shifts to my surroundings for the first time. The room is pretty basic, grey curtains cover the blinded windows, there are a few showpieces decorated seated on the desk, artwork that looks like a 5 year old drew it and nothing. Literally nothing.
I giggle under my breath thinking how I managed to get kidnapped by the most boring person. It's nothing like I read in my fantasy novels. The look he's giving me right now tells that he heard me chuckling.
"What's so funny about being caught baby”
My eyes widened, did he just call me baby.
"Go baby someone else, I ain't the right person." I almost bark at him and for a second I forget that he is a person from high society and could kill me without leaving a trace.
He nods at me but doesn't say a word. God forbid, I pissed him off and these are my last moments. It's then, I finally start sensing danger, danger of me being at an unknown man's place, danger of getting killed by the person I was stalking. Adrenaline starts to flow into my body but it's too late, my hands have already started shaking, my chest feels heavy like Oxygen is cut short from them and my whole body feels weak. My anxiety is really getting the best out of me during my most vulnerable moments, it pisses me off. Knowing that I cannot help myself out of this place makes me gutless. The silence in the room starts to get concerning, now that this man is looking me dead in the eyes, reading me like a book.
"Are you scared baby" he says, the 'baby' this time was a hundred percent to annoy me.
I don't feel like replying back because he's the one responsible for it, moreover I don't want to die just because I bad-mouthed my kidnapper.
I lower my head, my heart is beating faster than that of a person who ran a marathon. My legs and fingers shake tremendously and it sucks, what's worse is that he is noticing every inch of it.
"Are you not gonna reply to me Amelia" his tone is soft now.
How does he know my name?
"No, don't you think it's obvious."
He quirks a brow at my reply, "are you really that dumb or do you just have a death wish. Either of which, I'm delighted to tell you that I'm not going to kill you. So sit like a good girl Ammy" he commands.
I let loose a dramatic sigh.
"Then why am I here"
"To learn your lesson." words flew out of his mouth with so much ease but they were rather disturbing.
"You'll know soon."
He passes me a dreadful smile and gets up from his chair, slowly getting close to me. I could feel my hands shaking as soon as he got up from his place. His hands caress my face and work their way to brush aside my messy hair.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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