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Phone ringing 

"I've got major news for you" Matt screams from the speakers almost bursting my ears.

"What is it"

"Beth has hired someone to stalk you" he says hastily.
I'm so sick of Beth's shit. She should be grateful she's still alive, but lil granny loves to fight.

"Forward me the data" I cut the call, exhausted from my schedule. I couldn't care less about Beth trying to get to me but she could never. I bet she would have hired someone who looks like he would die after running a mile.

Innocent Beth, thinks she can trace me down. Ever since I revealed her true identity she's been a pain in my ass and now a stalker. A fucking stalker to get my details, as if her plan would get successful.

My phone pings constantly while I stare blankly at the wall, thinking who could possibly help Beth trace me down. I don't have to be concerned about the stalker, my team is pretty good at it's work. Matt is my closest cousin in bloodline and I trained him early to work for me. Ever since, he has been a great detective for me and a good manager. 

I flip my phone upside, the bright light from the screen hitting my eyes. I open Matt's text messages to see who got guts enough. My blood is almost boiling by now. The person will bear the consequences. 

A picture of a beautiful girl appears on the screen. She looks in her early twenties. Her brown caramel eyes are shining bright in photos and they emit an obsidian hue. Her brown honey hair is caressing her pretty face. That smile is rare to find these days, her angelic beauty looks mesmerizing.

But it doesn't change the fact that she works for Beth. The photo is still open on my phone, I check for her data. Her name is Amelia, age - 21,  working as a bar manager at City bar........

I go through her data, like a suspense thriller book. Her life definitely sounds interesting yet challenging. 

She looks young, maybe a college graduate who couldn't find a good job and ended up working at a cheap country side bar and doing cheap jobs for Beth. Maybe I should stop assuming. Why am I thinking about her so much anyways. 

Her parents, Jonathan and pixie live in Texas. Apparently, the girl has left her parents' house at a young age due to family conflicts. 

It's hard to stop thinking about that pretty face, that sweet smile, those eyes. She is not suited for this work, why is she doing it. Maybe for money or she was forced to do so by Beth. Annoyed feelings fill my insides as I think about how Beth might be using her for her stupid stuff, risking her life and bringing her danger. Beth definitely doesn't care about her if she thinks this girl is capable of finding me. But I'm eager to meet her.


Next morning

I'm waiting, desperately. Amelia must be on her way to stalk me today. Little does she know, I'm expecting her. It's like playing a hide and seek game but my seeker is the one hiding and the one to hide will surprise the seeker. 

I look up at the clock that is ticking close to 10. Excitement starts to bubble inside my gut as thoughts of meeting Amelia flow through. I wonder if her eyes are as pretty as they looked when I saw her pictures, or maybe better. 

My eyes fall on what looks like an ointment, I grab the tube and squirt it on my hand gently smothering my fresh wounds with a thick layer of the product, the sting settling slowly into my skin. The coffee has been sitting on the table for nearly an hour now. I don't even bother looking at anything else other than my windows, they are one way mirror windows. I'm up early today, to look out for an expected guest.

My team of hackers is digging into the club's database, revealing Beth's truth about tax laundering and illegal drug selling at the club. Matt is all set to locate the girl's location and check for potential weapons she could be carrying. We have already hacked her laptop and mobile. The technical department is checking the cameras set up around my house. Bodyguards are planted in the woods, checking her every move, just in case things go wrong. I don't want to hurt her, but I definitely want to teach her a lesson. 

I smile, she must be thinking she's sneaky. I want her to live up to her imagination of being a professional spy, I want her to feel what the consequences can be. 

"She's here" Matt says on the phone call.

My smile gets so inevitable after listening to those words. 

"Keep an eye on her" 

"Okay boss!" 

"Make sure no one hurts her, you know this place is not safe". I don't want my team to get after her, I just want them to look after her every moment. This area is not suitable for pretty girls to walk around like that, spying on other people's houses. My house is surrounded by forest on three sides and the fourth side is a mountain cliffhanger. Wild animals  here are what cats are to Turkey. You could still escape it but not thieves and kidnappers lurking around those lavish greens. Most likely you will get looted or get sold to some sex club in the east town. It's easy to fall prey, but not when you are secured by world class bodyguards. 

No one hunts my prey, even the wilderness knows it. Maybe that's why the forest has gone silent, wind is on it's tiptoes and the leaves stay still. 

I stand on the one way window of my house, her face is barely visible because of the wall that surrounds my house but I can still see her eyes and hands working their way up. 

How is she even able to get a look, her height is at least two feet shorter than the wall. 

Her eyes look splendid as the morning sun rays hit her face, the brown in them turns into a hot flame with every light ray that meets them and these flames ignite my soul in a way no one could, these eyes are doing me something. They are special, her presence feels special even though she's a threat to my identity at this moment. 

I tell myself politely. It's okay, everyone takes time to learn things. She'll learn very soon that I am truly enigmatic, no one plays against me. 

"Check the security, make sure she doesn't run" I speak in my earpiece which is directly connected to Matt's. Matt will alert everyone to stay cautious, now that it's time for her to actually know me. 

I walk towards the front door, pushing it open revealing me to my stalker. 

Hmm my stalker is fast as fuck, she sensed my presence. Smart little lady. 

Little do you know, you cannot run from me. 

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