13. "Movie to argument"

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Author's Pov:

They sat peacefully in the movie theater, waiting for the movie to start.

"How long are they going to play these ads?" Aaruhi asked, and immediately, the movie's intro began.

Everyone was deeply engrossed in the film, their focus entirely on the big screen.

The entire theater remained silent until a phone's ringtone suddenly interrupted the tranquility.

It was Ruhaan's phone, causing everyone to turn toward him with annoyed expressions.

"You should have muted your phone," Aaruhi whispered as he stepped aside to take the call.

A few minutes later, Ruhaan's phone rang again, prompting him to move aside once more to take the call. This pattern continued, with his phone ringing repeatedly, each time pulling him away from the movie. Over the course of the next hour, Ruhaan received about ten calls, and each time he had to step out to answer them.

With every interruption, Aaruhi's frustration grew. She was trying to immerse herself in the film, but the constant disruption made it impossible. Each time Ruhaan's phone rang, the entire audience was momentarily distracted, breaking the spell of the movie. Aaruhi's annoyance turned into anger as she watched Ruhaan leave the theater again and again.

"Why can't he just turn it off?" she thought, fuming. The constant interruptions not only ruined her experience but also disturbed the other , who cast irritated glances in their direction.

By the time Ruhaan returned after the tenth call, Aaruhi's patience had worn thin.

She leaned over and whispered sharply, "This is ridiculous, Ruhaan. You should have muted your phone after the first call. It's incredibly rude to everyone here."

Ruhaan, looking apologetic and slightly embarrassed, nodded. He put his phone on silent mode, finally allowing the theater to return to its intended state of silence and immersion.

But for Aaruhi, the damage was done; her enjoyment of the movie had been significantly marred by the constant interruptions.

As they emerged from the theater, the atmosphere was strained, with Aaruhi still seething over Ruhaan's behavior.

"You know, it was a mistake to come to the movies with you," Aaruhi said, her voice tinged with anger.

Ruhaan's response was defensive and laced with rudeness. "So? I already told you I don't like movies and all, then why did you agree, huh?"

Aaruhi felt a surge of frustration. "Why are you being so immature? Everyone receives calls, right? It's not a big deal. You're acting as if I've committed a crime. Grow up," Ruhaan retorted, his tone only serving to exacerbate Aaruhi's feelings of anger and sadness.

"It's not about the calls, you were being disrespectful to everyone in the theater, and especially to me. I wanted to enjoy some time with you and you just ruined everything" Aaruhi said trying to hold back her tears.

"Whatever, Aaruhi. If you want to get upset over something so trivial, that's your problem, not mine" Ruhaan said rolling his eyes, clearly bor understanding her dept of frustration.


Next morning
Aaruhi's Pov:

I got down from the bed still feeling sad for whatever happened last night.

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