8. "The commitment"

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Mehra Mansion

Author's Pov:-

Aaruhi and her cousin entered the house with heavy hearts, their footsteps echoing the somber mood that enveloped the Mehra family home. As they crossed the threshold, the sounds of sorrow greeted them, with whimpers, sobs, and cries mingling in the air like a melancholic symphony.

The sight that met their eyes was one of heartbreak and despair. Every member of the Mehra family sat in mournful silence, their faces etched with pain and their eyes glistening with unshed tears. Each person seemed lost in their own world of grief, yet bound together by the shared loss that had befallen them.

In the midst of this sea of sorrow, there sat Ruhaan, a solitary figure beside the lifeless body. His presence seemed to speak volumes, conveying a depth of emotion that words could not express. Despite the tears that welled in his eyes, Ruhaan remained stoic, his silent vigil a testament to his love and loss.

As Aaruhi and her cousin observed the scene before them, they couldn't help but be moved by the raw emotion that filled the room. It was a heartbreaking moment, yet amidst the pain, there was also a sense of unity—a shared bond forged in grief that brought the family closer together, even in their darkest hour.

Aaruhi found herself consumed by grief as she reflected on the moments she shared with him. The weight of regret pressed heavily upon her heart, knowing that she was the last person to converse with him. Previously, she had felt justified in denying his final wish, but now, she deeply regretted her decision.

His face, his voice, his words—they haunted her, appearing vividly in her mind's eye. She couldn't shake the memory of his earnest plea: "Ho sake to mere Ruhaan ka khyal rakhna" "Mai Ruhaan ki shadi Aaruhi se hote hue dekhna chahta hu" "Yeh meri aakhri khwaish hai" It was his last wish, his dying request, now echoing relentlessly in her thoughts.

Each time she replayed those words, Aaruhi's heart clenched with sorrow and remorse. She wished she could turn back time, to grant him the solace he sought in his final moments. But now, all she could do was carry the weight of his unfulfilled desire, a burden that seemed too heavy to bear.

Will she move on or she will regret this forver? Will she change her decision?....

Meanwhile Ruhaan sat beside his grandfather's lifeless body, waves of grief crashed over him like a relentless tide. His grandfather had been more than just a family member; he had been Ruhaan's rock, his confidant, his pillar of strength. Losing him felt like losing a piece of himself.

Tears streamed down Ruhaan's cheeks as he grappled with the enormity of his loss. His grandfather had always been there for him, offering unwavering support and unconditional love. The realization that he would never again hear his grandfather's voice or feel his comforting presence was almost too much to bear.

But amidst his grief, another emotion gnawed at Ruhaan's heart—regret. Regret for the moments left unsaid, the conversations left unspoken. He couldn't shake the guilt of his own selfishness, the knowledge that he had let his own pride come between him and his beloved grandfather.

The weight of that missed opportunity hung heavy on Ruhaan's shoulders, a painful reminder of what could have been. If only he had swallowed his pride, if only he had reached out to his grandfather before it was too late. But now, all he could do was sit beside the silent figure before him, grappling with the pain of his own regrets amidst the overwhelming grief of his loss.

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