"Don't you have to go to a family dinner on Saturday?" he told me about it just the other day. With Christmas approaching, the Clifford family was having this massive family dinner, inviting his uncles from Scotland and everything. The way Seth described them, it sounded wicked, but when I asked if I could tag along, he hastily explained that it was strictly family only.

He shook his head. "Parents decided to have it on Sunday, instead."

A smile spread across my red painted lips. "Saturday it is then." I leaned in and kissed him, softly.

He broke it before it got too heated. We were in the middle of a cafe anyways.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" he suddenly exclaimed, reaching into the pocket of his winter jacket and pulling out a small white box. He placed it gently in my hands, before urging me to open it.

I did as told and was surprised to see a necklace. It had an intricate white gold chain that was quite wide. Hanging in the center was a simple pendent in the shape of a northern star. It was covered in shimmering diamonds. Beside it, was a smaller star. There was a strip of dark blue ribbon inside the box and as I held it up, I saw a sentence written on it in silver.

Second star to the right and straight on 'till morning.

He remembered. I had told him once that one of my favourite movies as a child was Peter Pan. I hadn't even thought about it until today.

I didn't know what to do, other than gape at the necklace. I wasn't sure what to say. So of course, my mind went to the most idiotic question.

"What is this?" I wanted to slap myself for how stupid I sounded.

Seth didn't mind, though. He shrugged as if this necklace hadn't cost him hundreds of dollars. "Just think of it as an early Christmas present."

I frowned. "But Christmas is two weeks away. We aren't even on break yet."

He chuckled, like he often did whenever I asked one of my stupid questions. "I did say early didn't I?"

Another blush heated up my face. "Right," I said lamely.

"Here, let me put it on you." He got out of his seat and came up behind me. I gave him the necklace and he delicately placed it on my throat. His warm fingers clasped the necklace closed with ease and I was surprised that it was a choker necklace. I think that made me love it even more.

Seth's fingers began to trace patterns on mr bare skin, sending chills down my spine.

"Do you like it?" He asked in between the kisses he was leaving on my jaw, leaving me breathless.

"It's beautiful." I managed to whisper.

"Just like you." He whispered back.

Okay, his kisses were starting to affect me and we were in a very public place. I could feel my face beginning to redden as people started to turn and look at us.

"Seth," I whimpered. He was still peppering me with kisses.

"Hm?" He hummed, and it tickled.

"Can we go? People are starting to stare." He chuckled, which tickled even more.

He didn't have to be told twice.

After leaving money for our coffees and pastries on the table, he grabbed his jacket as I shrugged on mine. He quickly grabbed my hand as he we practically ran out of the cafe to his car so he could finish what we started.


Since the winter holidays were approaching, we students found ourselves head-first into the mid-year exams. This meant that everyone was pretty much stressed out to unbelievable levels.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2015 ⏰

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