Vol 4/ Chapter 126: The Severity of the Situation

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This wasn't about playing around, I was instantly speechless.

"Your attitude is strange! I remember you were afraid of danger, so why are you insisting on going towards the tiger's mountain now?"

It was truly vexing. Previously at Sulide Volcano, this guy Cyra was deathly afraid, not even daring to take a single step into that cave. Now despite Elara's repeated warnings, she still wanted to go to Parristol with me. What was she really thinking?

"If I was alone, of course I'd be scared! But it's completely different if we're all together..."

Cyra spread her hands, gesturing behind her, clearly indicating the two-winged and eight-winged angel combination.

"Reed just said she also wants to go to Parristol, so of course I have to go with you, or else I'll be left alone!"

"She wants to go too?"

I looked at Reed in puzzlement. Her strength with two wings was about the same as Cyra's, so why did she insist on wading into this mess?

"You don't need to worry about that, I have my own way to ensure my safety..."

Unusually not reading a book, Reed seemed to be asking Cysper about the international relations of the countries around Parristol. Hearing my question, she turned and nodded.

"Besides, there's always Mia! She's an eight-winged angel, more than enough to protect me!"

Mia's position was quite awkward too. Originally Elara wanted her to stay behind and gather information about Parristol's situation nearby. But as Reed's assistant, going so far away put her in a difficult position. She wanted to object to Reed's decision but was immediately threatened with being dismissed as an assistant if she didn't fulfill her protection duties. That instantly deflated her, completely cowed.

But talking about it, with Mia around I was much more at ease. The strength of an eight-winged angel was indeed extraordinary - at least a sixth-tier starter, while Mia was said to be from the older generation, having maintained that rank for nearly a thousand years. Converted to human tiers, she was around seventh-tier! Apart from being too engrossed in research and neglecting training, she was basically the strongest among our group, far surpassing even Mike and Cysper.

While Cyra and I didn't find it strange for a two-winged angel to order an eight-winged one around, others found it very peculiar, completely overturning their conventional notions about angelic rank hierarchy. Brennan and the others kept sneaking over to ask me what their relationship was.

"If that's the case, then I definitely have to come too! With such a big incident in Parristol, how can I just watch from the sidelines?"

Seeing this, Judith didn't think it was too much trouble, immediately chiming in to join us. At this point, almost everyone was accounted for! The only ones who hadn't voiced their stances were Cysper and Mike, but those two didn't need to be asked - otherwise how could they be called hangers-on?

"Is this really okay? So many people going to that place Parristol..."

I couldn't help feeling dazed. It was like a grand procession, but this wasn't about sightseeing!

Was this the legendary power of friendship? To be honest, I was a bit touched that everyone gave various reasons to accompany me, when the possibility was actually quite small. Most likely they were just worried about my safety and wanted to help me out.

"Although that sour fish you made was somewhat satisfactory, I'm not just doing this to help you!"

However, just as I was thinking that, Reed suddenly declared as if seeing through my thoughts:

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