Vol 4/ Chapter 115: Descending the Mountain

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"Heh heh! This is quite a rare phenomenon!"

After hearing my description, Judith adjusted her glasses, looking very interested, and offered her own insight.

"Based on my years of experience, the root cause of the body swapping issue most likely lies with the Pope. But the exact reason still needs further examination to determine."

"Why don't you suggest to him that you two..."

This was a rare breakthrough! Although I knew there might be some secret with the Pope, I had been at a loss on how to approach it. As an expert, Judith immediately pinpointed the crux of the issue with just a few words.

"No way! I refuse to examine that undead tranny's body. Besides, I'm not very skilled with light elements anyway!"

But Judith flatly rejected my suggestion in a very rude manner. With her pointing it out, I suddenly recalled their relationship would indeed make implementation difficult. Come to think of it, ever since leaving the cave, she and Cysper hadn't been on very good terms, never exchanging another word.

In my view, Cysper just happened to look like the Saint Angel - he didn't seem too closely connected otherwise. Was that really reason enough for such resentment?

"It's normal you don't understand. The True Church Pope's origins have always been unclear. There are rumors in the Sage Council that he may be related to the ancient Light God. This time, discovering he shares the same appearance as the Saint Angel Cyra is practically an earth-shattering revelation!"

Judith revealed mysteriously. In fact, I was already vaguely aware of most of this - that's precisely why I had made a detour to the Holy Capital in the first place! But after finding that Cysper didn't seem to pose much threat, I had decided to deepen ties with him.

"So why don't you hurry up and study that guy?"

I seized the opportunity to urge her. Putting everything else aside, Cyra and the Pope's ambiguous relationship couldn't be allowed to drag on indefinitely - leaving it unresolved would inevitably lead to big problems.

"No interest! And the Pope may not agree to it either!"

Judith remained adamantly refusing, then looked at me with an amused expression.

"Besides, compared to that ageless geezer...heh heh, I'm more interested in why your wings turned blue!"

"Heh! Angel lifespans are pretty long too, aren't they?"

I chuckled wryly in response, involuntarily shuddering as I suddenly felt a sense of foreboding.

"And didn't I already tell you, I suspect it has to do with the Water Angel Gisphrael? Isn't that the whole reason we're heading to Crescent City?"

"Records left by the Water Angel are extremely rare. Before this, we didn't even know her name. Even if we confirm you're her reincarnation, the research value of an elemental angel is tremendously high! Why don't I just pluck a few of those blue feathers for a look..."

"No way!"

I abruptly refused before she could finish. That would hurt so much! Well, well, I ended up being the lab rat after all, huh?

But Judith persisted relentlessly. When plucking feathers didn't work, she changed her demand to wanting to closely observe my blue wing form.

This woman could really be a nag. Pestered to the point of exasperation, I had no choice but to reluctantly agree.

"Observing is fine, but you can't secretly try anything sneaky!"

In an instant, six snow-white wings appeared behind me, blinding under the morning sun.

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