The Break

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I haven't posted in some time but I will continue this story, it will just take a bit more time as I'm quite busy now. Hope you enjoyed the story so far, tell me what you think. :):):):)

Work was officially done. While Switzerland has been pleasant, they were all happy to be home and finally able to relax and focus on what really mattered. Family. It was now already the middle of March and the four friend were gathered in the Ulvaeus home enjoying the peace that their break meant. It wasn't all sunny though, the press was pushing at them even harder, and it was almost impossible to keep anything private. It was a miracle they hadn't caught on to either pregnancy. In the past few months both couples worked everything out and were now as happy as ever. Frida and Benny talked things out with their ex-partners and now were finally able to raise their children together, bringing a big change into their lives. Having all four children at home full time was having a huge positive effect on Frida. She finally relaxed in her role as mother, knowing that despite everything her children still loved her so. Today the two couples decided it was time for a get together for no particular reason, they just wanted to hang out a bit. They missed each other too, work usually made up for that but now they could do other things too. After some time, they noticed it was already dark outside, they have been talking for hours and none of them even noticed it. As if on cue, the children came into the living room, their bellies grumbling with hunger. No one really wanted to cook, so they decided they could make an exception and eat out as a family for once. They made their way to the cars and drove to their favourite restaurant, an Italian restaurant they knew the owner of would always make their stay as comfortable as possible. The dinner was delicious, and the kids enjoyed themselves very much. It was now time to go and after paying and saying goodbye to the owner they were ready to leave and return home. Everything has gone good so far but as always it wasn't to last long. As soon as they left the restaurant, they were surrounded by the press.

They tried to shield the children from the worst of it, not even bothering to answer any questions. This was just ridiculous. Who in their right mind would think they'd be happy to do an impromptu press conference. Simply ridiculous and disrespectful the lot of them. They all drove back to Agnetha and Björn's house not wanted to have the press surrounding both houses it was sure to cause havoc. The kids went to bed while the adults tiredly lounged on the sofa. This really wasn't so bad all thought. "This, it could be good for us like that..." started Agnetha. The boys just stared at her, but Frida jumped in. "Yes, especially after the little ones are born." "What?" finally asked the guys, still not understanding what girls had on their mind. "We were just thinking that, especially after the new babies are born, living together, all under one roof, wouldn't be such a bad idea. I mean, we could help each other," she said as she looked at Frida, "and then after you two return back to work, more than likely before us, we wouldn't we so alone." Frida just nodded while the guys thought about it. Would it turn out ok or would it be too much change? They all liked their privacy and their time as just couples without any other, even their best friends. But if the girls liked the idea, there must have been something that the guys weren't getting. "Hey, hey!" Frida brought them back to reality. "Before you two wrap your beautiful minds around this too much," both girls snickered at the expressions on the boys faces. "We'd still have our own privacy, perhaps we could take one floor each for the bedrooms, bathrooms and offices and then share the rest," Frida finished. "And if we change our minds later?" "Well, there's always the option of two houses next to each other. But we've looked at it and there never seems anything that would be a good fit," she pointed at Frida as she talked. "That sounds better, let's look into that first. This could really work, even in the long run," answered Benny and even Björn agreed. The distance between their homes although not that large would be too big once the babies arrive. Let the house hunt begin.

It seemed impossible but as if a miracle happened, the house right next to the one that Björn and Agnetha were looking at suddenly became available. The previous owner was an old lady who sadly lost her husband a couple years ago and now in her old age couldn't manage the house anymore. She was ready to settle in a smaller home closer to the rest of her family. Both couples decided that they couldn't wait and would take the leap. As March was heading to a close, both the Ulvaeus and the Anderssons became proud owners of their new homes. Benny and Frida finally had a home big enough for all their children as well as all that were yet to come.

Agnetha woke up to Björn's kisses all over her face. "Happy birthday baby!" "Thank you, my love." They kissed and kissed and kissed. Each kiss becoming more passionate. They looked at the clock and it was still early. Even the children were still asleep. After expressing their love for one another the best way they knew they finally made their way downstairs to make breakfast, but not before waking the children. After breakfast, they dressed and got ready. Today was the day they would move to their new home and so will the Anderssons. They packed the last couple of things and put them in the car. Next stop Polar studios.

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