Frida and Benny Easter Sunday - part 1

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Frida awoke to sunlight coming into the room through the curtains. She stretched her arms, slowly getting up from the bed. It was almost 10.00 AM. She made her way into her bathroom and looked at her reflection in the mirror. She hadn't slept well in quite some time. Ever since the last time she saw Benny, she couldn't get him out of her head. Her mind seemed unable to focus on anything else and she and Henry started having problems soon after. It's been six months since she last saw Benny and she missed him more than ever. Henry sensed her distance very soon and after weeks of constant fighting they decided to break up. Her heart just wasn't in it anymore and he didn't like being ignored. He didn't like being second best and he could see that she would give up everything for another chance with Benny. It's been four months since Henry moved out and a month later, she moved back to Sweden. It was really the only place that she could call her home. Slowly she got ready for the day. She wasn't planning on going anywhere so she just planned to stay in her pyjamas. It was just comfier that way and she was feeling sad today.

Benny woke up and looked at the time. It was 8.00 AM. He groaned and made his way into the bathroom. He had a terrible headache, and the world was spinning in his head. He just made to the sink so he could hold onto it until his dizziness subside. He took a cold shower, brushed his teeth and made his way back into his bedroom. He dressed in whatever he could find and hurried out of the house into his car and drove away. He couldn't stand to stay in the damn house any longer. He has been living alone ever since he and Mona separated. It has almost been six months and he didn't like it at all. That is not to say that he wanted Mona back because he didn't, but it just felt too weird. He hasn't lived alone since 1969. As he drove his memories returned. All the good times with ABBA and more importantly with Frida. His Frida. All the moments they shared, from the first time they met, their first date, their wedding... He thought about them raising their children together amidst their rising career with ABBA. Oh, they were lucky that Peter, Heléne, Hans and Lise-Lotte got along so well from the very beginning. Oh, little Lotta, she still felt like a real daughter to him. She was so little when he and Frida got together, she too saw him as her second father. He didn't care anymore, he let his tears fall. It was hard to imagine losing a child but the reality of a young one being gone before you, hits even harder. He tried to get his mind on the road as he thought more about his darling Frida but all he could see was his failed marriage, his stupid oh so very stupid what should only if even remain a one-night stand and the finality of their divorce. There was no help for him, he has made his bed. He cried harder and harder and soon he broke into sobs. His mind was so far gone from all the crying combined with his hangover that he could barely see but it soon didn't matter. One moment he was on the road and then all went blank. There was a car that was speeding that drove on the opposite side of the road of him but behind him the man had enough of Benny's slow driving and decided to overtake him, so he started speeding. He couldn't see the other car approaching until it was too late to do anything. The approaching driver panicked and turned the steering wheel crashing into Benny's car directly on the driver's side. Benny's car flew a good ten meters before turning a couple times. It was a miracle Benny was still breathing when the ambulance arrived.

It was 12.00 PM when the phone rang, and Frida hurried to answer. She wondered who would be calling her at this time. She had just talked with Hans, and she already called Heléne and Peter, they still kept in touch. She answered but soon had to sit down to keep herself from falling. "Sorry madame, but a man around 75 years old was just brought into this hospital. We were unable to identify him as the only belongings the had on him was your phone number and address. His mobile was to badly damaged by the crash that we are unable to do with that. We were hoping you'd be willing to help us figure out who he is. We are working hard on keeping him as stable as possible and any help would be appreciated." Frida's heart froze. Benny. "Madame?" the voice on the other end of the line spoke again. "Yes, of course I will be there as soon as I can. That man is Benny Andersson," Frida signed. She could just feel it was him. The last few months she felt a certain pull to him and now stronger than ever. Frida ended the call packed a small bag to take with her to the hospital and was soon driving away no longer than five minutes after the call ended.

Frida arrived at the hospital in a record time. While the drive would have usually taken her at least 45 minutes she managed to arrive there in 30 minutes. She ran to the emergency department waiting room and went to the nurse at the counter. The nurse told her that Benny was just headed into the surgery because his left leg was broken. She was just in time to catch the doctor who was preforming the operation and after realising just who she was he let her be present there. She was scared, Benny looked worse than she imagined. She held his hand all the way and after the operation was finished, she returned they were led to his room, and she sat on the chair beside his bed never letting go of him.

Benny began to wake up. He didn't want to open his eyes just yet. His whole body hurt but slowly he realised what had happened. He chastised himself. If he hadn't been so hang over he could have gotten out of it but no he had to suffer the consequences now. Oh, how he wished his Frida was there. He slowly opened his eyes but to his surprise the lighting in the room wasn't blinding but instead very dim. He could only see silhouettes and couldn't make out what was what. What he could see though was a woman sitting on the chair beside his bed resting her head on his shoulder sleeping soundly.

Frida was tired and couldn't keep her eyes open any longer. It was about 8.00 PM when she drifted off to sleep on Benny's shoulder. Just feeling his presence made her feel safe and secure. It gave her the peace of mind that she needed, just knowing he was alive.

Benny turned his head a little so he could see her better. At first, he thought he was imagining things but why would a random woman be leaning onto him, and it certainly wasn't Mona. She couldn't care less. He was done with her too, they should have divorced years ago, but he was too proud. He didn't want the shame of a second failed marriage. Now though, he regrated staying in the sham of a marriage for so long, he should have fought for Frida years ago. He looked her over closely. It was Frida, it was his Frida. He came to him despite everything he had done, despite everything she had suffered because of him, she still came.

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