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It was already the beginning of June when the group was back in studio again. They knew they won't be able to travel much this year due to let's say their little unexpected surprises, so they need to find another way to keep them in the public eye. They weren't ready to give up on their career just yet. They all knew what they can achieve together. With Agnetha being 22 weeks pregnant and Frida at 23 weeks it was essential they do thing efficiently. They decided they'd record the songs for the album ABBA before the babies come and get that out of the way. With that finished by the end of September, they'll have all the time they want to themselves until the 21st of April 1975 when the album is scheduled to be released. With that agreed the guys went to the office to talk with Stig about the details of what would be a very hectic schedule, Görel went with them to make sure everything was written down and that it would work for everybody. Meanwhile, Agnetha and Frida lounged in the lounge room talking about their pregnancies, their marriages, problems, and stories. Agnetha confined in Frida that she was sad without her younger son Christian, but Frida comforted her that he would still come, she just had to wait a little while. They talked about their loneliness when their husbands worked, and they were left alone and how it will be when the babies finally come. They even joked about the future babies that were yet to even be considered, both secretly wishing for more. They were always meant to be mothers. By the end of their chat, they both really wanted to live closer together. Seeing each other every day and their children growing up together just seemed right. When the boys came back, they proposed the idea to them and surprisingly they agreed. They were used to living close during the summer months anyway, Viggsö was a small island. And so it was decided that they will buy or if necessarily built their houses next to each other, but for now they'll just move to Viggsö, the summer was rapidly approaching anyway.

The move to Viggsö was a success. The four friends along with their 5 children, well 7 really, if you consider the little monsters giving their mothers a hell of a day in those moments. Moving houses while pregnant really didn't do them any good and they were both exhausted by the end of the day. The kids were wild as ever and already getting Linda into mischief. "This is going to be interesting," thought Agnetha, already imagining all the things they'll come up to do. It is going to be a long summer here with all the children.

They settled into their new homes and enjoyed the peace they had, finally away from the prying eyes of the press. It was a miracle the news about the new developments still didn't reach the papers.

The weeks passed and both families enjoyed the quiet life. Three times a week both sets of parents would venture down to Stockholm to work on new music and make sure that everything was truly done by the end of September. The final weeks of their pregnancies were approaching, and it was harder and harder to go to work but keeping it mind the 7 months of freedom they'd have their motivation never ceased.

Today it was supposed to be a day like any other. The boys stayed in Stockholm for the whole week this time while the girls would only be joining them today. Frida woke up and turned on the bedside light, her curtains were drawn, and no light was coming into the room. She checked the time and winced, it was 7.30 AM already. She had to get the kids ready, school starts at 8.00 Am. She rushed down the stairs to prepare breakfast, her mind full of all the things she had to consider. Take the kids to school, check with Görel and thank her for watching the children overnight, get Agnetha, drive to Stockholm, record the songs ... what was she forgetting? Who knows, she will remember it eventually. She was to be at Agnetha's at 9.30 AM, so she had to hurry, she still had to pack her things for Stockholm. Why did it have to be the first day of school right today? She really wished she could be there with Lotta, especially as it was her first time in school, but today she couldn't cancel. She got all four kids ready, and they were just about to leave when there was a sudden bang.

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