7-Am I in love?

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Sorry guys I was a little busy I was unable to find time to write this story but I hope you guys understand that and also I won't be able to post twice a week cause it's my first time writing a story. I hope you understand. I'll try to post ASAP

Author pov

All of the Maanav's friends left for their homes as Maanav told them that he'll manage here in the hospital. He is sitting on the couch besides Mihika's bed and Mahira was sleeping on his shoulder he was looking at the ground thinking about something but suddenly he heard a knock on the door. He turned towards the direction only to find out that Ruhanika is coming inside with Raha
Seeing them coming he gently put mahi on the couch properly and walks towards them

Raha: Sorry to disturb you guys at this time but I was very worried for Mahi

Maanav: No it's fine

Both the sister goes towards her bed

Raha: never knew that I have to see you in this situation Mahi. Thank god that you are safe or else I'll roast whom huh!

They slightly chuckled

Raha: seriously Mahi don't even think of leaving me. Did you forgot we promise to die together & trouble people after becoming ghost

Ruhi: why you're telling this now when she is sleeping tell her when she'll woke up

Raha: yeah your right! It just feel like I met her after so long that's why.

Maanav was again lost in his thoughts but when he heard Ruhanika's


He came out of his thoughts

Ruhi: I think it's too late let's go Raha

Raha: yeah yeah right let's go I'll meet her in the morning

Suddenly Raha got a call from her parents so she left from there.Now they were standing in silence awkwardly but then Ruhanika broke the silence while saying

Rahi: umm... Good night Mr Rajvansh

Maanav: (slightly smiled) Good night

she left from there

Maanav's pov

Why my heart always beat so fast around you Ruhanika. There is something different about you I must figure out this feelings before someone stoles you away from me

Ruhanika's pov

Never in my life I felt this way. What's so different about him that my heart beats like crazy around him I must figure out

The next morning

Author pov

Mihika Mahira and Raha Were talking with each other suddenly Ruhanika came in their room to check on Mihika's health

Ruhanika: so how you are feeling now

Mihi: far better than before dii

Ruhanika: good but make sure to take penalty of rest because you are not recovered properly

Mihi: yeah don't worry I will

Ruhanika: by the way where is your brother he is no where to be seen here

Both Mihika and Mahira shared a smirk with each other then Mihika said

Mihika: he left for some work in the morning BTW what happened was there some work

Ruhi: nothing I was just asking leave it I'll leave now bye

Mihika and Mahira: byeee (while smiling mischievously)

Ruhi: (whispered) weird

After she left Mahira also left because she has some patients to check on because it's a week day

Raha: Why you both were smirking while looking at each other huh!

Then Mihika told her everything because she can't hide anything in her tiny little stomach

Raha: shut up!!!!! really! I can't believe it!

Mihika: well it is what it is!

Raha: (while doing a high five with Mihi) if it is like that then I will be the happiest person alive on this planet.

Maanav pov

I came in the basement to see my rival Ankit malhotra tied with chair and blood dripping from almost every part of his body. Just by seeing him my blood again started to boil

Maanav: (while punching on his face) how dare you lay and an eye on my sister f*cki*g b@stard

Ankit: (scoff) and what you did with my father was right huh!

Maanav: I didn't do anything he was the one who killed himself while hanging. After all what he did to my parents he doesn't even deserve to live

Ankit: if you haven't taken his mafia
position he wouldn't have done that he wasn't able to handle the lost and...

Maanav: you clearly know that he betrayed my father after become his P.A.
But you what you did with my sisters was not right. I should have killed you that time when your fu*k*ng father died but it's never too late

Saying this I shot him in his right foot. He screams in pain but that was like a pleasurable sound to me

After that I torture him to death

(Your author didn't want to put details in this part so please Imagine the most brutal tortures)

Maanav: that's what you deserve afterall you dared to mess with the sisters of Maanav Rajvansh. Guard's (shouted)

Guard 1: yes boss

Maanav: (smirk) clean this sh*t & make sure to feed the dogs

Guard 2: (smirk) okey boss

I left from there towards the hospital after changing my clothes which was drenched in blood

At the hospital

As I reached to her room I shook my head in disbelief after seeing Mihi watching drama on TV

Maanav: Mihi didn't I told you to take rest huh!

Mihi: you did bhai and that's what I'm doing. Watching drama while resting

Maanav: (giving so done looks)

He take the remote and turn it off

Mihi:yeah youu...ouch! ( she was about to throw a pillow at him but suddenly her wound started to hurt)

Maanav: look I told you to rest now bear the pain

Mahi: bhaiiii (angrily pouted)

Maanav: ok ok sorry and where is Mahira

Mahi: she said she has some patients to check on and then left

Maanav: and your friend Raha

Mahi: she went out to buy me some food

Maanav: BTW I need to ask you something important (in a serious tone)

Mihi: (while gulping down her saliva) and what was that .....

So that's it. Let me know in the comments if you like this story or not. Please support because it's my first time ever writing a story. Make sure to vote and don't forget to follow my Instagram handle author.olive

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