Chapter 64

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As Dion and I approached Alexandria's estate, I caught the familiar sight of grand facade and towering spires. We exchanged a knowing glance, reminiscing about our past visits here and what we had been doing for all these years, for the queen. It was a lot.

"It's been a while now, isn't it?" Dion asked, his voice tinged with nostalgia.

"Quite a while."

The massive double doors of the estate loomed before us, guarded by two stern werewolves. They recognized us from our previous visits and nodded respectfully as they swung the door opens, granting us entry. As we stepped inside, the grand foyer welcomed us.

"Please follow me. I'll guide you to the Queen's office." A woman, known-servant, approached us with a wide smile and we followed her into the house while clearly knowing where everything was.

It wasn't our first visit neither our last. We had spent hundred's of days here, sometimes covered in blood and sometimes covered in sweat after long, grueling missions Alexandria had given to us. Yet, each time we returned, she had more for us to take care of.

People to kill, matters to handle and witches to banish. It was a long never ending list for Alexandria.

Finally, we arrived at the Queen's office, a majestic room filled with knowledge no one could ever get except for her. She had been reigning for the past hundred years and her rule was the cruelest among the other Kings and Queens. She wasn't honest, capable, or even sane.

Her drive for power was going to destroy her own kingdom and there wasn't anything either of us could do.

"I've been waiting for the two of you." She smiled, her eyes twinkling as they fell over and then over Dion.

We didn't leave anything over our faces and acted as if nothing was different. "What should we expect this visit for? Is there someone troubling you, my Queen?" I asked while tracing my finger over one of the large, wooden table's inside the room.

Dion stood at the other end of the table while the Queen remained seated in front of me. I sensed more than just trouble. There was something she wanted us to do. I could always read her mind well.

"Yes, there is indeed, and that's why I've called the both of you here," She collected her hands in front of her and paused for a moment. Her voice was low and menacing when she continued, "You have proven your loyalty time and time again, throughout the hundred years I've ruled. Now, you both might be aware—or even close to one of my subjects, Vivian Hart," Her eyes clicked to me. "I'm aware she was having an affair with you, is that right?"

"Was." Anymore words and she could tell I was hiding something.

A smile spread over her face and she nodded before looking away. "Well, she has been a little concern for me over these couple of weeks and even a concern for some of the wolves at court. There are rumors that she killed her father, a prominent werewolf, but not only that, I have some unsettled matters with her and I'd the both of you to find her and bring her to me."

My assumptions weren't wrong. It was something I expected from Alexandria. Clearly, she was threatened by Vivian. But why? It wasn't like anything would change. Alexandria could easily get another witch to find us, and it wasn't going to be difficult to kill all of us on her father's death anniversary.

So what did she want from Vivian?

I stepped forward, and signaled Dion to remain quiet. He had marked Vivian and if she even got a hindsight of it, she'd know she was with us.

"What is it about this woman that have you tensed?" I asked her.

The smile continued to linger over her face, never leaving. I tried to lean into her thoughts, hear them, but it was difficult as I was filled with emotions—fear and guilt.

"There's just something I need from her. And I need you to bring her to me alive. She cannot die at any circumstance, even if the wolves at the court want her dead." She continued. "This matter should be handled in the utmost discretion. No one can know about this."

I nodded, but didn't agree yet. "What will we get?"

"Anything you desire from my realm, Callan. But if you cannot complete this task, I'll have someone else trace her and bring her to me—"

I interrupted her before she finished, "We'll do it."

"Great. I've never doubted the either of you."

She was going to now.

"Though, I'm still a little curious to why this young woman matters to you? Has she done something we are not aware of? Or is there something else?"

Alexandria lowered her eyes, "There's just something I rather not share, Callan. I hope you're still not having an affair with her, because then, perhaps, it would be more suitable if I did have someone el—"

"It will be fine," I stopped her because she resorted to having someone else find Vivian. The longer we were finding her, the safer she was. "We'll find her."

"Great," She rose up with a grin lingering over her face. "I expect for you do to job diligently and discreetly. Remember, I want her alive."

With that, Dion and I bowed before turning around, the weight of our new mission pressing down on us. Our loyalties were being tested, and we knew we needed to tread carefully to protect Vivian from Alexandria's sinister intentions.

"Wait," The sound of her voice stopped us. We both turned around, facing her again. She pulled two thin envelopes from her desk and raised her hand in the air. "These were meant to be delivered to the both of you, but they were returned from the court."

I reached forward and grabbed them.

"They are invitations to the masquerade ball on the 25th." A smile spread over her face as she looked at the both of us.

I nodded and handed one to Dion. "Thank you."

"Also, if you do see my son around, please tell him to come and visit me. I caught a glimpse of him at the mating ball, but it has been more than a week since then. I don't believe he has left yet."

I pursed my lips and said, "If I see him, I'll let him know."

"Great. I miss him, dearly."

Only if she knew.

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