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"𝐮𝐬 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝."


“It's so high..” Masayoshi whispers to himself, craning his neck as far back as it could go in order to take in the tall view of the building.

A buzz rings out from everyone’s phones, which causes them to fish it out of their pockets.

“I infiltrated the hotel’s computers and got schematics of the interior — complete with guard locations.” Ritsu informs, pointing at the tablet in her hand that shows the blueprint of the hotel.

“A large number of guards are stationed at and around the main entrance. It’s not possible to enter the hotel without going past the front desk. However, there is  an entryway on this side, atop the ledge!” the pink-haired AI notifies as the 3D hologram finishes showing.

“The terrain is impassable, and there are no guards posted there.”

“if you don't want the enemy to get his way.. There’s just one thing to do! Not counting the ten patients and the two left behind to care—” Korosensei was interrupted by your favourite person.

“Ten? Isn't there meant to be eleven?” Karma narrows his eyes, wondering how one of his classmates managed to join them on this dangerous “excursion”.

“Oh, I just had to bring her along. She would most definitely help on this mission.” a familiar silvery voice inputted.

Karma’s eye twitched, having a terrible gut feeling.

If Bitch-sensei had brought a girl  to help with this life and death situation.. The only girl could be–

“(name)! I told you to stand up straight, no slouching. Or do you want to restart those posture classes you went through last year?” Irina scolds, and you just sleepily roll your eyes.

“You took me from my bed.. To be cold?” The air was pretty humid.

“It’s hot, though.” Irina points out, and the students plus Karasuma and Korosensei just look at her in utter disbelief.

She brought out a student with an unknown virus to help on a mission? What logic did the blondie use to think that this was a good idea?

“You– you brought my (name)—” the redhead couldn't even fathom her stupidity to the point where he couldn't even get his point across.

Karasuma pinches the bridge of his nose with pure vexation. This lady did know how to piss people off.

“Whatever. We do not have time to waste on how to get (name) back to the hotel. She will just have to manage out here.. Who has a jacket she– thank you, Akabane.” Your boyfriend had already put his jumper onto your shivering body.

“As I was saying, not counting the ten patients and the two left behind to care for the sick students, all capable students must sneak in from here, get the jump on the guys at the top, and steal that remedy!” The octopus who was rendered immobile cheers on.

“It's too dangerous. The ease with which he threatened us indicated we’re up against a real pro.” Karasuma chided, bringing the bag with the octopus inside to eye level.

“Yes. perhaps it would be wisest simply to hand me over. What do you think? It's up to all of you.” Korosensei responds in a monotonous tone.

“But this..? It’s too hard to climb.” one of your classmates pointed out. Everyone gulps in nervousness at the intimidating height.

“They’ll plummet to their deaths before they even reach the hotel. Especially my dear (name), she can't even stand up straight!” Irina exclaims in a protest. Her input was partially based on the fact she didn't want to get her 30k red silk dress ruined and torn.

“Then why the hell did you bring her?” Terasaka shouts in annoyance.

“It's not like I would've known we were going to climb this replica of Mount everest! I thought we’d just go through the front.” She attempts to defend herself.

“You’re pretty stupid for an assassin. If the enemies are expecting us, why on earth would we just walk in through the entrance?” Irina opens her mouth to retaliate when an angry ‘shut up’ comes from Karasuma.

“You two arguing doesn’t help the situation, so just keep quiet. I don't want to hear anything from you both if it doesn't aid us in climbing the mountain."

He sighs in defeat after doing an analysis of the situation.

“I knew it– it's no use. We have to send him with those two. Nagisa, Kayano.. I'm sorry, but—” the ebony-haired male looked aghast as he watched the junior high kids climb the mountain with little trouble.

“Well, I mean, if the ledge is the problem, that part’s a piece of cake.”

“Especially compared to our usual training. Right?”

Even Irina looks up in incredulity, not expecting this from students she thought so lowly of.

She turns her head to the side, watching as Karma securely ties you to his body, slowly climbing the mountain.

“But we haven't practised fighting an unknown foe in an unknown hotel, so Mr. Karasuma.. It won't be easy, but could you be our commander?” Isogai requests, holding onto the ledge with one hand. His body turned to his teacher at the bottom of the mountain.

“We’ll make that jerk pay for messin’ with us!” teresaka shouts with a resolve, earning multiple head nods from his peers.

“As you can see, they’re no ordinary students. Especially Karma, look at how effortlessly he carries his girlfriend up this rough terrain! Plenty of kudos to you, Akabane!” Although the redhead you call yours doesn't turn to the octopus, he still salutes whilst making his way up.

“You have a fifteen-member– sixteen actually – special forces unit at your command.” Korosense says cheerfully.

“..sixteen?” Irina repeats in confusion.

“Don't forget about me!” Ritsu makes herself known through Nagisa’s phone.

“Now, there's not much time.” Korosensei reminds his co-worker.

“Attention! Our objective is the top floor of the hotel at the summit! Our mission will shift from a stealth infiltration to a surprise attack. We will use the same hand signals and link-ups from training! The only difference is our target.” Everyone nods, ignoring Karma, who was halfway at the top.

“You have exactly three minutes to memorise the map. We begin at 2150 hours!” he shouts with a new resolve.

“Right!” Everyone cheers in response, confident that they’d be able to save their ailing classmates.

𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐖𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 | 𝚔. 𝚊𝚔𝚊𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚎Where stories live. Discover now