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Chapter 40: Traditions To Uphold

Just as Minji began to feel a surge of relief, the doors to the hall burst open, and the teachers stormed in, their faces set in stern disapproval. They looked around, clearly alarmed by the absence of everyone from their classrooms.

"What is going on here?" one of the teachers demanded, trying to restore order. "This assembly is unauthorized. Everyone, return to your classes immediately!"

But the students, galvanized by Minji's words and the courage they had found within themselves, stood their ground. Everdine stepped forward, her chin held high. "We won't leave until you agree to let vampires into the school," she declared, her voice unwavering.

A murmur of agreement spread through the crowd. Florence and her friends, the witches, and many others nodded in solidarity. The teachers exchanged worried glances, clearly taken aback by the students' resolve.

"This is ridiculous," one teacher muttered. "We have rules and traditions to uphold."

Karina stepped forward again, her voice steady. "Those rules and traditions are outdated and harmful. It's time for change, and we won't back down until it happens."

The tension in the room was palpable. The teachers, realizing they were facing a united front, hesitated. The principal, who had been standing silently at the back, finally stepped forward.

"Alright," he said slowly, his gaze sweeping over the determined faces of the students. "We will consider your request. But you must understand, this is a significant change. It will take time and careful planning."

The students erupted into cheers, their collective hope and determination overpowering the resistance. Minji felt a rush of pride and relief. They had done it. The first step towards a new future had been taken.

Karina's perspective: ⚕

I sighed and let my legs give out, sinking into the comfort of my chair. Finally, some alone time. After the teachers decided to consider the idea of vampires, the school erupted into a party. They're still parading outside, their cheers echoing through the dorm walls. I closed my eyes and let out another sigh, feeling the weight of exhaustion settling in.

Then, suddenly, I heard a voice. "Tired?" it asked. I groaned and sat up, my eyes meeting Winter's amused gaze. "That's an understatement," I replied, feeling a small smile tug at the corners of my lips.

Winter stepped closer, a playful glint in her eyes. "Well, lucky for you, I happen to be an expert at helping people unwind." She extended her hand, inviting me to join her.

I couldn't resist her infectious energy, so I took her hand, letting her lead me out of the room and into the lively atmosphere of the dormitory. Laughter and music filled the air as students danced and mingled.

We strolled through the moonlit grounds, the cool breeze brushing against our faces as we talked about everything and nothing. With each step, I felt myself growing closer to Winter, as if we were forging a connection that went beyond mere friendship.

Eventually, we found ourselves at the edge of the school grounds, overlooking a tranquil lake shimmering in the moonlight. We sat down on a nearby bench, our shoulders brushing as we gazed out at the serene scene before us.

In that moment, I realized just how much Winter meant to me. She was more than just a friend; she was someone I could confide in, someone who understood me in a way no one else did.

As we sat there, lost in each other's company, I knew that this was just the beginning of our journey together. And as the night stretched on, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for all the adventures that lay ahead.

Starlit BondsWhere stories live. Discover now