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Chapter 38: Sweet Tooth For You

At Crestwood Heights, tensions simmered beneath the surface, threatening to erupt into chaos at any moment. Karina, Minji, and Haerin found themselves caught in the midst of the brewing storm, their once-peaceful lives now overshadowed by uncertainty and fear.

Everyone gathered in the common room, and to an outsider, it might have looked like they were convening a secret society. "I managed to persuade Everdine," Karina announced, her tone tinged with relief. Danielle nodded in agreement. "And Florence is on board," she added, casting a glance at Minji and Haerin. Minji furrowed her brows, while Haerin flashed a satisfied smile. "Delightful," she remarked.

The mention of Kelsie brought a somber mood over the group. Yunjin sighed and slumped onto the couch. "I don't want to talk about it," she muttered, her frustration palpable. The others shared her disappointment, but Hyein refused to let despair take hold. "We can't give up now," she insisted. "Two allies are better than none. We just need to keep persuading until we make our announcement."

Winter interjected, her practicality cutting through the tension. "But what's our next move? Parties can only do so much..." she trailed off, pondering the dilemma. Hanni posed a question to Winter, hoping to spark an idea. "What would you do to win someone over?" she asked. Winter thought for a moment before replying, "I'd hook them up with my blood bag dealer." Hanni's expression soured at the suggestion. "Okay, scratch that," she said hastily.

"I say we just go right out and say it, the more we sugarcoat the inevitable, the guiltier we'll seem," Winter declared, breaking the tense silence that hung over the group. Everyone paused, their attention drawn to her decisive words.

"But we still don't know about the future of this school, who's gonna step up?" Hanni interjected, scanning the faces around her for answers.

"I don't know, I just want to get this over with, I'm tired of this place," Winter grumbled with frustration evident in her voice. Karina's brow furrowed in concern as she sought to understand. "What? Why?" she inquired, hoping for clarity.

"Because it took me away from you," Winter admitted, her words weighted with regret and longing. Karina's breath caught in her throat, her heart aching at the confession. "I bet there are—no. I know there are better teachers and students in a better place somewhere, all this school brings is trouble," Winter continued, her frustration palpable.

"That's not true," Hyein interjected, rising to her feet, her voice firm with conviction. "All you've brought is trouble," she accused, her words directed squarely at Winter. Dani gasped in shock at the sudden confrontation.

"Excuse me?" Winter retorted, taken aback by the accusation leveled against her.

"Everything was fine before you two showed up, I was trying to pretend it wasn't, but it was. And sure, in a screwed-up wholesome way, it was all worth it, but you don't get to slander the place that is all I've ever known, you just don't," Hyein asserted, her tone laced with frustration and hurt. With that, she stormed off, her footsteps echoing as she ascended the stairs, leaving behind a heavy silence punctuated only by the resounding slam of a door.

With a heavy sigh, Yunjin rose from her seat, her movements filled with frustration and disappointment. She cast a weary glance at Winter, her expression a mix of irritation and resignation. "Well, great. This is all falling apart," she muttered under her breath, her voice tinged with bitterness.

As she made her way toward the staircase, "Go ahead, follow her like you always do." Winter's biting remark cut through the air like a knife. Yunjin froze in her tracks, her jaw tensing with suppressed anger. Without turning back, she lifted her arm, extending her middle finger in a defiant gesture aimed at Winter.

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