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Dr. Tar, who was sitting in the car, began to feel uneasy because his friend had been gone for quite some time and showed no signs of returning. Try, who noticed that Tar was starting to get nervous, ended up asking him.

"What's wrong doctor?"

"I think it's been too long since Ai'Non left, P'Try ."

…He responded worriedly. Meanwhile, Min just stared at them.

"I'll go see for myself ."

Try said before turning to grab the gun he had placed in the back seat but which was now missing.

"My weapon is missing"  ...

Try turned to Doctor Tar to say and the three of them got out of the van immediately heading quickly towards Tao.

"Tao, the bastard Ai'Non is gone."

"What? How did you let him go?" …

Tao asked Doctor Tar angrily and then looked around for someone else who seemed to be missing.

"Hey, where did that kid go?" ...

Tao asked again when he didn't see Min anywhere.

"Huh? When did he disappear? A second ago he was walking next to us."

...Doctor Tar also turned to look, but before he could say anything, Tao's subordinates walked in.

“Hey, Tao, come take a look at this.” …

A subordinate said before handing him the binoculars. When Tao saw the image through the long distance lenses, he cursed immediately.

"Shit, Ai'Non. What the hell are you doing there?"

...What he was seeing was Non hiding next to a container. Tao wouldn't be worried if it weren't for the fact that old Nop's subordinates were heading right towards that place.

"Ai'Lay, can you hear me?" …

Everyone was wearing Bluetooth headphones to make communication easier, I just hoped no one was blocking the signal.

"Yes" …

Replied the other.

"See that idiot Ai'Non?" ...Tao said again.

"No" ...

He responded in disbelief, because just before leaving he saw that his friend was walking to wait for him in the car as they had arranged.

"Damn, watch out... Look at your 5. Two Nope men are walking in that direction. Can you block them?" …

Tao was not in the mood to continue playing because his friend Non was really in danger.

"Just a moment... Shit!! I see them. I can get rid of them in just a second, but as soon as I shoot, they'll know we're here. You know that, right?" …

Lay said that because Ram had ordered the sniper to act as soon as he or Kai reached the hostages. The problem was that if Lay fired now they would have to change their plans, because it was pretty certain that Mr. Nope inside the warehouse would immediately know what was happening.

"Yes, shoot them ."

Tao's final words. Nop's men walking towards Non fell one by one. In the loud hustle and bustle, all the kidnappers' men were pointing their guns in all directions because they couldn't find the sniper.

Bang!!! Bang!!!  Bang!!!

The sound of gunshots outside made everyone's eyes look towards the place where the sound came from. Just then, Top put down the folding knife that was pointed at Kris's face.

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