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The sound of a door opening in front of the room made Min's eyes look over, but to his surprise, it wasn't the person he had been expecting. So he got up and walked towards the door before asking the newcomer.

"How did you get in, Dr. Tar? What about Mr. Non?" ...

Min asked, strangely because he didn't know why the other person knew the password.

"Ai'Non won't come, Nong Min"  ...Dr. Tar said to the young man.

"Then why are you here?" ...Min asked again.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not going to do anything. I just have a few questions to ask you." ...

Doctor Tar said seriously before going to sit on the couch.

"What do you want to ask?"  ...

Min asked and walked back to the center of the room to sit near Doctor Tar, but not too far away.

"Do you remember when I asked you how a person can forget the face of another person we think we know?" …

Dr. Tar paused to look at Min for a moment.

" W-why do you suddenly ask again?" …

Min obviously he was nervous. He could be seen with the naked eye in his hands that were tightly gripping the hem of his shirt.

"At first I felt that way... but now I think I'm sure. By the way... Nong Min"

Dr. Tar smiled at him, but his eyes were completely still, watching him sit with his head down and his hands pressed tightly.

"You've changed a lot... I don't remember your face at all... But Nong Min, do you know something? No matter how much the person has changed... The look in our eyes can't change."

The day he ran into Kris in the cafeteria he noticed it. At that moment, he was familiar with what he saw although he couldn't remember where. But at that moment, he realized that that boy's name was also Min.

At first he wasn't sure, so he decided to come and ask to be completely sure; but seeing it up close, he had already gotten the answer because he now remembered Min's eyes well.

"What are you talking about, Doctor Tar?"  …

Min tried to stay calm, but the young man's body was shaking and clutching his shirt tightly.

"I think you already know...so stop. Non never looked at other people, and you know it."

"Why do I have to be the one to stop or... repent? I want Mr. Non to love me. I just want to be by his side, that's enough." ...

Min replied softly. Anyway, he didn't want to steal Doctor Non and have him as his property, but Kris wanted Non to be his own.

"But Ai'Non already has someone he loves. You've done enough in the past, so let him go. If you really love him, let him go." …

Dr. Tar's words made Min fall into thought.

"At this time, I will not say anything to Ai'Non, but I hope that you will think carefully and take into account the consequences and finally decide to leave this matter on good terms"

...After speaking, Dr. Tar immediately left the room feeling sorry for Min. In this matter, the fact that Min loves Non is not wrong, what is wrong and evil is that he wants to hurt other people in the process.

Dr. Tar decided to go there after taking Doctor Non to his apartment. When the message came, his friend was so drunk he could barely see anything, so Doctor Non handed the phone to Tar who saw that it was a photo of Min. After seeing it, Tar knew he had to do something.

.Doctor Psychosis (English Translation)Where stories live. Discover now