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The two were standing in a line to get on different rides at the amusement park. He had not asked Kris if he wanted to go out somewhere and he without hesitation responded that he wanted to go to the amusement park.

The youngest's response left the doctor a little surprised  who did not know how long the youngest had liked these types of exciting attractions.

In front of him now was a roller coaster that came and went a total of six times at fifty miles per hour. At this point, Non didn't even want to think about the image of Kris when they got off the roller coaster because in the past Kris was very afraid of those types of hard and exciting rides.

"What's wrong Non, are you scared?" ...

Kris asked jokingly because he had seen that the other man had simply gone silent

"Oh, it's nothing. Since when do you like this kind of thing?"

"After riding a motorcycle"

Kris responded, raising his eyebrows.

"Can you drive one too?" ...

Doctor Non was surprised. He felt lost because many things had changed since they had separated.

"Yes, I like it. It's fast... And it doesn't get stuck in traffic at all."

"Oh, I can't even ride one."

"Do you want me to teach you?" ...

Kris responded before turning around and smiling.

" I dont like ride"

"So... You can't drive a motorcycle?" ...

Kris pretended to ask him.

" Ugh , how do you know I can't drive a motorcycle? Did you remember anything?"

he asked surprised, because almost no one knew that detail.

"No. It was just an idea that crossed my mind"

Kris answered honestly.


The conversation about that matter ended there.

When they both took their seats on the roller coaster, Kris seemed a little excited, he had been talking non-stop since he arrived. He looked like he was actually having fun because he was constantly waving his hands and shouting while Non could only sit with his eyes closed.

"Hahaha it's exciting. I like it. No matter how many rounds I play, they are never enough for me" ...

said Kris after they went downstairs.

"Oh!" ...

Doctor Non wanted to say more, but he had to control the symptoms of his own body

"Are you okay, Non?"

he asked after seeing him pale sitting on the chair under a tree.

"I'm fine, it was fun... I'm just a little dizzy"... Doctor Non readjusted his tone to be normal before responding.

"Are we going back?" ..

.Kris asked before sitting next to him and wiping away his sweat.

"No. Are there any other attractions you want to try?"

Non asked as he breathed somewhat heavily. he didn't want his little boyfriend to go without fun, so he had to ask.

'But if you ask me one more time if I want to leave then I'll agree... For God's sake.'

.Doctor Psychosis (English Translation)Where stories live. Discover now