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Many days passed. The two lived happily together in the condominium. When Non went to work, Kris stayed in the doctor's room. he tried to do various things so as not to get bored, that way he helped with cleaning, washing and ironing since he knew how to do all those household chores because he had been living alone since he was a child. The only thing he didn't know how to do very well was cook; but he kept trying and had improved a little.

A few days ago, Kris went to the supermarket to buy a whole chicken. When he returned to the apartment and tried to cook the chicken, he made a mess in the kitchen he tried to fix it several times, but nothing had effect, so he stayed in the kitchen for a long time until he Non returned. When he saw the disaster in the kitchen he stunned, although he also laughed a little and even got angry. After that, Kris was banned from cooking again.

Kris was getting very bored, so Dr. Non told her to practice relaxation skills and recommended a basic method of breathing exercises to reduce stress, anxiety, and overthinking, providing the same once the possibility of being cured of his illness. With the doctor's advice and treatment, Kris claimed that having a doctor as a boyfriend was great luck

Kris left the room after getting dressed and discovered that Non was already sitting at the dining table with his glasses on as if he was reading something... Maybe some general news.

" P'Non can you also make fried rice?"

...Kris sat on the opposite side before asking, impressed. These days, his boyfriend had been making a variety of dishes for him to eat... Every day was a different one.

"It's a very simple thing, anyone can do it"

...replied Dr. Non before putting down his iPad and taking off his glasses.

"I can't cook something like that."

"Just as long as you can eat is enough. Last time you ended up ruining my kitchen and I even thought a war had happened in it" ...

Non said before pinching and stretching the younger one's cheeks affectionately.

"Hey, who knew cooking would be so hard...? Enough already... you like to pinch my cheeks." ...

Kris replied rubbing his cheeks lightly and smiling.

Doctor  Non smiled back before taking the black coffee in front of him.

"Would you like to go with me?" ...

Doctor Non asked him after a while because today Kris had an appointment scheduled with him...

"Yes" ...

Kris tensed up a little when talking about today's date. Doctor Non noticed because his little boyfriend, who had been smiling, suddenly, when he asked, almost stopped smiling.

"It'll be fine. Try to open up and talk about your concerns" ...

said Dr. Non with a calm voice and a smile.

In fact, Non himself wanted his boyfriend to change doctors because it was inappropriate for the patient and the doctor to have an intimate relationship... That could be very harmful to the treatment.

"Okay" ...

Kris smiled and nodded slightly. Then, Doctor Non reached out to hold Kris's hand because he didn't want the other person to worry too.


After they arrived at the hospital, Kris opened the door. he stood up and waited for Non to walk together to the consultation. But when Non reached his side, he reached out and grabbed  boyfriend's wrist to guide him along the path as they walked hand in hand together.

.Doctor Psychosis (English Translation)Where stories live. Discover now