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I immediately grabbed my umbrella and ran outside my house. Hazel called me so many times when I am taking a bath, and when I answered, the call ended. But I heard it, she's calling me for help then I heard a voice. Calling her 'Hazyyy'. I had a bad feeling about that so I called her brother to help me look for her, it's night and raining, I don't know where she is.

"Shit! Where the hell is my Hazel."

I looked everywhere on the way to the shop where she's part timing and then I saw a lot of people gathering in the high way, I think there's an accident. Something inside me is telling me to take a look and then suddenly, I felt my nerve shaking in fear. I'm feeling cold as I coming closer. Even though I'm afraid of blood, my feet feels like its walking on his own, ignoring the blood rushing on it.

"Ambulance is on their way!" The people are shouting and panicking.

I looked around the people but I can't see anyone I know here, I need to find Hazel right now, I can't be here. But my body just won't move. Damn what is wrong with you?! Okay, I'll just take a quick look then I'll leave-

"B-Babe?" People got out of the way so I had a glance of what happened and who's-

"Shit!" I ran toward Hazel lying on the ground, with my shaking body, my knee fell on the ground beside her. "B-Babe.." I feel like my soul left my body as I am staring at my girlfriend's blooded body. Sirens from ambulance got louder and louder. I can't breath, shock and so much fear stopped me from moving. Until the rescuer tapped my shoulder and told me to get away. All of this is happening in slow motion to me, my eyes is covered with tears and all I can see is red and blue coming from the ambulance.

"Sir! Are you coming or not?"

I came back to my senses when they shouted at me. I subconsciously nodded and maybe they noticed that I'm not on my mind so they helped me get on the ambulance. But before I can get in, someone grabbed my hand and handed me Hazel's phone, I can't see who it is 'cause its wearing a black hoodie and umbrella is covering their face, then left.

With that, I finally remember to call her brother. Damn it Airon! Be strong, don't panic! I gasped for air and dialed Semi using my phone with my shaking hand. I wiped my tears and looked at her, I took her hand. "Babe, I'm sorry! Please!"

"Sir, we're almost at the hospital." The nurse is pumping some oxygen on her.

I nodded at him and after a few rings, Semi answered.

["Airon? Where are you? Did you see Haze?"]

"S-Semi.. c-come at the h-hospital. Hazel is.."


"Accident. She got hit by a truck-"

["WHAT!? I'M ON MY WAY, DAMN IT!"] *hangs up.

I didn't let go of Hazel's hand until we arrived at the hospital, my hands and clothes has a blood on it but I'm not disgusted. All I feel now is fear, fear of losing my baby. Waiting outside the Operating Room made me more dizzy, I'm pacing back and fort, then ..

"HAZE!!!" Semi came running towards me and grabbed my shoulder, I can tell that he's worried, at the same time, furious. "What the heck happened to her!?"

I bowed my head and I couldn't stop my tears from falling, this is the first time I cried. "I'm sorry, I was too late."

I saw his fist clenching itself and then he tapped my arm to raise my head. "I'm sure it's not your fault, sorry. Let's sit and calm down for a moment." He said and sat at the bench so I followed him.

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