Brain Log [3]

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Today, I had the strangest dream, I could actually get up but it was in the middle of the night. There were no signs of the night nurses or the security guards so I wandered around the dim light of the hallway searching for something that I'm not even sure what, suddenly a howl of terror coming from my room made me rush back to see what was going on even though I remembered the room being empty when I left.

The moment I entered the most awful odor I've ever smelled clashed with my nose. It was worse than rotten eggs no, it was worse than an actively decomposing cadaver. However, I couldn't find the source. When the light outside flickered for a moment and decided on the darkness, I was already lying in a fetal position squeezing my eyes close. The echoing footsteps reverberated through the silent night, I wondered if it was one of the nurses. However, something at the back of my mind said it wasn't. The pungent smell of death coursing through the air didn't help my foolish thoughts from racing either. If I wasn't pretending to be asleep I'd be running off to the toilet belching out everything I had inside me, maybe even some vital organs as the smell grew unbearable.

The footsteps paused right around my room but my fear was at its greatest and so was the odor. Opening my eyes was a task for warriors not a coward like me. The functionality of both of my lungs was restored as soon as the footsteps decided to pass and eventually faded into the abyss. To my disappointment, my mobility didn't make an appearance anymore and when the male nurses changing my diapers in the morning gossiped about the young man who had died in his sleep in the room before mine I couldn't scream to tell them what had happened last night because I, myself didn't know.

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⏰ Última actualización: May 18 ⏰

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