Fresh start

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(im gonna do the rest of this story in second person)

1 year later

Jeongin walks into your room. "Y/N, seungmin wants to speak with you, i domt really wanna know what its about but hurry up cause he's packing" Jeongin tells you.

"I'll be down , tell him im gonna get dressed first" you say as you get your clothes ready.

"Okie dokie artichokie" He leaves the room.

You get dressed and head downstairs to see Seungmin.

"Hey Y/N, can i speak with you? In private." He looks at jeongin.

Jeongin leaves, understanding what seungmin meant.

"What's up.?" You ask him.

"Im moving out, i found a house. And my Ubers on the way" he explained.

"Oh that's good! I'm glad you found a place." You say.

"Yes, but i wanted to apologize, seriously. I don't want to leave this house on bad terms with you. So I apologize for everything, especially not telling you about your parents. That wasn't cool of me to do and I really should've been honest with you as well. I hope you can forgive me, but if you can't, i understand." He apologized.

"Seungmin. I forgive you. I always forgive people. And I would never hold a grudge towards you or to anyone. And as easy as it is for me to forgive you, it will take long to forget. But I want to be cool with you, so i will try my hardest. And thank you. For apologizing."  You say, smiling slightly.

Seungmin smiles at you. "So, can we start fresh.?" He asks you.

"Of course we can." You agree.

He puts his hand out to you, you shake his hand.

"Nice to meet you, my names Kim Seungmin" he says with a smile on his face.

"Pleasure meeting you as well,  im Yang Y/N. Would you like to have a movie with me and my brother I.N this Sunday?" You ask him.

"It would be an honor, thank you." He says. He starts laughing out of nowhere. "Sorry I cant take this shit seriously " he laughs.

You chuckle. "You should go, your Uber is outside "

"Bye Y/N, I love you. And dont worry. I'll be back this weekend for our movie." He smiles at you before hugging you tightly.

"Goodbye seungmin, I love you too."

The end of this chapterrrr, so happy cause schools almost over, I'll be able to post more chapters and faster school's kind of didn't draining me so I apologize. BUT I have like 6 days of school left so yayyyy. Love you guys so much, take care, be safe, and be yourself ☹️💓

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