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Y'ALL ITS CHRISTMAS . I'm so excited because MY PARENTS ARE HOME . Long story short they've been traveling over the world for this entire year and I hardly see them. AND NOW THEY'RE STAYING FOR A WEEK. I mean yeah they're not staying forever BUT STILL.

Seungmin walks in my room with a smile on his face. "Hey y/n!" Oh yeah I forgot to tell you guys. He still doesn't know that I walked in on him kissing wonyoung. "Hey, merry Christmas." I say. "Merry Christmas!" He says going in for a hug.

He hugs me but it's more of a one-sided hug. I'm not trying to be mean but my arms just wouldn't lift up.

"Me and your family are downstairs waiting for you so hurry up" he says .

I get dressed quickly and run downstairs. I see my mommy and my daddy! I run towards them and give them the biggest hug ever.

"Y/N Oh how I've missed you so!" My mom says "Y/N you got so big!" My dad says hugging me

"I've missed you guys so much!" My jaw drops "DAD DID YOU GET A MUSTACHE."
"Yeah! I got so inspired by the men I saw in France, their mustaches spoke to me and told me to get one" I laugh

After we caught up we started opening presents.   

After presents my grandparents arrived at the house

"Hey there y/n!" My papa says "HEY PAPA! I MISSED YOU" I say but when my mawmaw walks in I just stare at her, she stares back

"Y/n." She says not breaking eye contact. "Mawmaw." I say  "did you gain weight?" She says. I walk away.

Me and mawmaw don't have the best relationship. She's always talking down on me. I'm always nice to her but I'm over that shit. Like she says 'I won't tolerate disrespectful people in my house'

My best friend Bangchan comes over for Christmas dinner. As soon as he walks through the door I run to him and give him a huge hug. "Hey y/n! I missed you a ton!" He says hugging me back. "I missed you too Chan!" I say. Okay so.. I kinda got a crush on Bangchan. BUT ITS ONLY A TINY CRUSH.

At dinner everyone is talking to eachother and all of a sudden my mawmaw asks me "so do you have a boyfriend yet or did everyone turn you down?" She says with a smug mile on her face.     Bruh.
"Yeah, I do have a boyfriend. I'm dating Bangchan." I say. My mawmaws eyes widen. I see Seungmin in the corner of my eye, he looks shocked. I hope he isn't upset. Ion know why tho. You literally mashing your face with wonyoungs last week. Bangchan looks at me shocked. "HUH?" he says. I kick his leg under the table. "OH yeahhh" he says. I smile look at my mawmaw HAHAHA MAWMAW. WHY SO QUIET NOW?? HMMM???

Oh damn. Now me and Bangchan have to pretend to date. THE WHOLE NIGHT. Not that mad tho😨

After dinner my grandparents leave and Seungmin pulls me outside for a second. "Y/N WHAT THE FUCK?! I THOUGHT YOU LIKED ME" he yells in anger. "SEUNGMIN YOU LITERALLY WERE KISSING WONYOUNG LAST WEEK. STFU"  I say. Seungmin looks at me in shock. "how." "What do you mean how." "How do you know about that." "That doesn't matter. what matters is that you broke my trust. I can't believe you would do that to me!" "Y/N let me explain!" "NO I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU WHAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND. I LITERALLY AVOIDED YOU 24 FUCKING 7. DOES YOUR BRAIN NOT WORK OR SOMETHING. LEAVE ME ALONE"

I go back inside and I sit by Bangchan. "So you guys are really dating?" I.N says "yeah. Been dating for 5 days actually, she finally the balls to confess" Bangchan says teasing me. "I'm gonna to kill you" I whisper in his ear. "I still don't believe it. I'm going to need some proof" my dad says. "What. do you want me to pull out a certificate or something?" I say bullying him. "No Miss ma'am. Kiss him" i.n says. BOY WHO TOLD YOU TO TALK 😭 . He leans in looking me directly in the eyes. IM TRYING SO HARD NOT TO LAUGH RIGHT NOW. BUT HE LOOKS SO STUPID 😭. He pecks my mouth. I giggle.

My parents look completely shocked. Same as I.N. "WOW." all 3 of them say.

My dad's phone gets a notification and he checks it. "Oh man." He says. "Guys me and your mom have to go like right now." "Oh." I say. "Well bye love you." I say disappointed

After they say their goodbyes they exit the house and it's just me, I.N, Chan, And Seungmin. But he's upstairs.


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