Chapter 7: Dance Dance Infiltration (V2 Ep7)

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(No ones pov)
The dance was still going, everyone just chatting and having fun after their dance. Even Ironwood asking Glynda for a dance who rolled her eyes and just accepted it.

Ruby, was a blushing mess. Her face was burning red after an amazing dance with Thanatos who taught her how to dance, and she was able to walk, kinda, around with her "lady stilts".

Jaune: "I see you're hiding at the punch bowl too?" He slid towards Ruby. "Wow never seen you this red before, not after Weiss caught you picking your nose."

Ruby: "Yup." She agreed, before pouting. "Hey!" She crossed her arms.

Jaune: "chuckled Besides that, what are you doing here alone?" He asked.

Ruby: "Oh! H-He had to erm.. Go to the bathroom..Look the point is, I'm sorry that it didn't work out with Weiss." She said.

Jaune: "Meh, it's fine; Neptune's pretty cool. I get why she went with him." He said, taking a sip of his punch.

Ruby: "What do you mean?"

Jaune: "Well not everyone can rock blue hair."

Ruby: "No I mean Weiss went to the dance alone, or at least she did when Gojo started talking with her." She said.

Jaune looked towards Weiss and Gojo who seemed to be chatting it up. Ever since their argument they seem to have been getting along better than usual. Jaune looks to see Neptune just joking around with Blake and Sun, making funny faces.

Jaune: "groan Hold my punch.." He said with disdain, giving the drink to Ruby who sipped his the second he left.

Jaune walked past the crowed, wanting to talk with Neptune only to see Pyrrha walk by herself, going up towards the balcony. She was there, leaning onto the railing looking quite sad.

Jaune: "Pyrrha!"

Pyrrha: "Hello Jaune." She said turning around.

Jaune: "You alright? Haven't seen you all night, you look great though!" He complimented.

Pyrrha: "Thank you."

Jaune looks around. "So where is he?" He asked.

Pyrrha: "There... is not a guy." She looked down sadly. "Nobody asked me."

Jaune: "But, you're Pyrrha Nikos! How could nobody ask you?" He chuckled.

Pyrrha: "That's the thing. I was blessed with opportunity and praise, everyone just assumes that I'm too good for them." She explained. "That is why I like about you, you didn't even know my name and treated me like everyone else! Because of you I made friendships that will last lifetimes.."

Pyrrha just walks off, letting Jaune sink in with the newfound information.

Jaune: "W-Wait!" He tried to say only to see Neptune behind him.

Neptune: "Hey! Jaune right? Ballroom dancing is lame, right? Pbbbft. Cute girls though."

Jaune: "Is that all you think about?" He blurted out getting a shock look from Neptune.

Neptune: "W-What?"

Jaune: "D-Do you even care about eh girls you're hitting on? How could you just turn her down like that!"

Neptune: "Who?"

Jaune: "Weiss! Do you think you're too cool for her? Too many options? Weiss Schnee asked you out to the dance and you just turned her down?"

Neptune: "I can't dance! I cant dance, man!"

Jaune: "But.... You're so cool!"

Neptune: "Thank you, I try really, really hard. I'd rather break a girls heart than admit I'm not able to move my hips to the music or whatever."

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